You and Your Hazel Eyes ~Chapter Nineteen~

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We were all waiting for Bai— except for Niall who was still in the bus’s bathroom and Bella who was being walked by the bus driver— to change out of her work clothes. I sat with Luke on the couch while the others just milled around. It was pretty dark in the house. I could barely make out Harry’s green eyes from across the room. He was talking with Lou, but I noticed he glanced over in my direction every few minutes. I guess Luke noticed too.

“So, are you guys really together?” Luke asked me.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. We aren’t official or anything, but I have never had a relationship with anyone so I really wouldn’t know.”

Luke gave me a ridiculous face. “Why in the world not? Look at you Jez, you’re a hot mama.” I nearly choked on my own spit when I heard him said that. We were practically rolling on top of each other from laughing.

“Oh my goodness! Luke Star?” I heard a voice say from the entryway to the living room. I looked over to see an older woman, probably in her forties, staring amazed at Luke. We all stared at her with curiosity. How did she know him? “It is you! I can’t believe you are in my house!” She screamed. Oh Lord it’s a cougar! “I just have to say I absolutely loved you in Magic Mike. I mean those moves got me so—“

“Mom!” Bai screamed from behind her.

Bai’s mom moved over to let her daughter through. Bai’s face was beet red. What was she talking about? Luke had sunk into the couch beside me and was avoiding all eye contact.

I asked him, “What are they talking about Lu-Lu?”

He looked up into my eyes and pleaded, “Please don’t judge.” I was about to say of course not, but he went on. “I was given a whole bunch of money to play in this movie called, Magic Mike.” I nodded for him to keep going.

Jax screamed excitedly. “Oh now I know why you look so familiar! You were in a stripper movie! I went to go see that with my friends!” My jaw dropped as I stared at Luke. His face was tinged red.

“You were in a stripper movie?” Louis shouted. Lu-Lu nodded his head, ashamed.

“That movie was awesome! You were so great in it.” Luke’s head snapped up to see who said it. I was wondering myself. I looked over to see that it came from Harry. What the hell? This was not making sense at all!

“So let me get this straight. Jax you went to a stripper movie, without inviting me. And that specific movie had Luke in it. And Harry, you went and say it, alone?” I asked with incredulity.

He blushed furiously while staring down at the ground with scrunched eyebrows. “It had Channing Tatum! That dude is cool. Plus, who was I going to ask?”

Louis sounded as if he was about to cry, “Me, Hazza. You could have brought me! I thought you loved me!”

“Oh my God I am totally fangirling right now,” Screamed Ari.

“I am too,” Bai told her.

This was all so crazy. I was back to staring back at my Lu-Lu. He was looking into my eyes, waiting for my reaction. He was very worried.

“Just answer this one question.” He nodded, so I went on. “Did you get any STD’s in the process?”

He broke into fit of laughter, but stopped when he realized I was completely serious. He gasped, “Of course not! I would never do something that would cost me my career. Plus it was a movie. The people were all tested to make sure nothing happened to the actors.”

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