46- Who Knew Cooperation Was So Difficult (Caitlyn)

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Major props to this girl, she fought long and hard to get this chapter just right before handing it over.  Enjoy it guys, we're almost at the end!

HUGE thank you shout-out Jaylee_CJ for the artwork you see to the right!  First piece of "fanart" we've ever gotten, and we can't express our gratitude enough.  If you could've seen the way the three of us squealed when we found out... XD


"SHUT UP!" I screamed as I pulled away from Don.  My fists were clenched tightly, perhaps too tightly, but I didn't care.  "We have a job to do, so regardless if we're soldiers or not, I suggest we do it!” Whether or not you had empathy, it didn't matter because anyone could feel the extremity of the tension in this room at the moment. Leo was the first to step up and for a second I wondered why I wasn't next to him... but then I remembered- Don's the one keeping me sane.

"I think everyone should go take a breather and relax, before we go and make a plan of attack.  Raph and I will stay with Kylee to keep an eye on her." Leo ordered, breaking the silence that somehow seemed deafening. I sighed softly and walked out, just barely catching the look that Leo gave Donny.  I don't need to- no... No, maybe I should be the one who needs an eye kept on her.  I thought to myself sadly. I was so out of balance.

I felt a hand gently grab mine and looked up to see Don. "Are you ok?" He asked hesitantly.

"For now I suppose... But if anyone else I care about dies..." I sighed, trailing off.

Don opened the lab door so we both walked in.  "So... what now?" He shut the door and walked over to me as I leaned against the counter of one of his many computers.

"I dunno." I sighed and rested my head against his arm.  Silence filled the lab, descending fast and enveloping us both. It wasn't comfortable like they always say it is- whoever "they" were. It hung ominously off the end of my answer, as if waiting for the unspoken ‘but’. We both knew what had to happen next. I just didn't... couldn't think about the consequences. "Donny?" I asked, my voice filled with hesitation.

"Hmm?" He replied, seeming to be as lost in thought as I was.

I reached over and took his three-fingered hand to distract my running mind. It didn't seem to bother him. I bit my lip. "In all of your fights against the Shredder, did it ever seem... this hopeless?"

Donny snorted. "Are you kidding? They were worse. No matter how ready we felt, we always showed up unprepared for what could happen." He said.

I grimaced. "You're just saying that..."

He shrugged. "There are always variables to consider and you can't prepare for all of them." He went on.  "But I can almost certainly guarantee that it will work out. One way or another."

I glanced up at him. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because all equations do. Weren't we just talking about math class just then?" At first I was puzzled, but then he smirked and winked to hint at the joke, and I couldn't help the laugh that tumbled from my mouth. It seemed wrong, given the situation, but I didn't care. Then I shook my head and looked back at him. Don's brown eyes were a swimming, chocolaty hue; they just about took my breath away...and then the unthinkable happened. I pulled him down to my level and I kissed him. He didn't fight it. If anything the kiss deepened, but only slightly. It was a chaste, yet passionate kiss. If Kylee knew she'd kill us, I knew that. It seemed like only a second later we pulled away, but also felt like a lifetime.

"Hey, Mike and Morgan are back, if you guys want to join..." Another voice interrupted, trailing away as the breath caught in his throat. I turned, just barely catching blue fabric, before the door was shut. I was in shock, but instinctually followed all the while my eyes dilated.

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