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Hey guys! This is a little bit of a filler chapter since I'm trying to get back into flow of writing and it's also a little short but I hope you like it since I pretty much rewrote it a hundred and fifty times. I apologize for being such a waste lately but it happens. I STILL LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU ARE STILL MY LOVELIES!


Don't blink.

Don't blink.

Don't you dare look away.

Looking away is a sign of weakness. You are not weak. You are a man Bobby Lee, so you better start acting like one. You stare right into those terrifying eyes and act like they don't make you want to wet your boxer briefs. This is the first step towards rebellion my friend, not that you haven't been rebelling since you got here but still.

You are equals.

He isn't any better or any stronger than you. You've got what it takes.

"Are we participating in a staring contest right now Bobby?" Creed asks sitting still at the counter as he watches me. "Because I can assure you that if that's what this is I will win. I am fully capable of watching you all day without blinking. I've done it many times previously."

Of course you have you bastard. I narrow my eyes in agitation but continue to make eye contact with the beast.  

"Aren't you bored Bobby?" Creed questions shifting slightly but still keeping his eyes on mine. "I bought some things for you today." I study him silently as he reaches under the cupboard his eyes still on mine while he hefts two large bags out. One looks to be filled with an assortment of board games, and the other with video games. Don't fall for it. You may have spent forever in this room staring at the ceiling with nothing to do but don't you dare fall for it. "I observed you yesterday and gathered that you are disturbed with the lack of activity in your day so I went and got you these." He shakes the bag of board games lightly and it's only then that I realize that I've broken eye contact while his remains stable.


"You can play these with Chip the next time him and Mr. Tetera come to visit." He shakes the other bag. "These you can play when you're bored throughout the day." I wait for a couple seconds weighing my options. To take or not to take that is the question. "Inform me of what snacks you prefer and I will make sure to stock the kitchen with them so you can eat them throughout the day as well. Is this satisfactory Bobby?"

Grrrrrr.....aww shit. Quickly I throw my hand out and Creed grins coming around the counter and handing me the bags. I sort through them nodding my head as I browse the items inside. Creed watches me with interest as if I'm doing something foreign that he's never seen before. Finally after I've dumped all of the items out onto the bed I look up at him and nod. "Acceptable."

Ten minutes later I'm forced into playing a game of Life with Creed. The board is spread out on the bed and I scoot as far away from him as physically possible without falling off of the bed. "Set it all up. You'll be the banker." I order handing him the container with the money in it. He looks at it with an expression of confusion on his face.

"I've never played."

"You've never played Life?" I question seriously, looking at him in disbelief.

He stares at the bed almost sheepishly before looking back up at me. "I've never played any games."

"How did you get these if you didn't even know what to get in the first place?"

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