Like A Boy.

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     "How is she?" Jeremy asks as we descend down the stairs, both donned in tight black pants and equally tight tops. I tug on it with annoyance but Liam has persisted on me wearing it, seeing as we will all be sweating bullets by the end of the day. Liam spent most of the night on a workout plan for all of us, but alas, there is a glimmer of hope. The pants are tight enough to distract Liam with my ass so I will utilize it to my advantage when he commands me to run or do something that requires actual physical activity.  Ugh. 

At the thought, I tug my top down lower. I will need to bring in backup if I want to survive today. 

Stella! He's asking about Stella!

"She's okay," I answer finally and I focus my eyes on my shoes. "Most likely she won't be coming down for practice."

"What?" Jeremy screeches in my ear and I flinch and shoot him an annoyed look. He ignores it, as per usual. "But, we'll be doing sparring. Stella loves beating anyone up. Especially if it's Avalon!"

At this, Avalon, who is at the table, darts her dark eyes to us and glares. She sports similar clothes to us, though she shows off her toned stomach that I imagine myself kicking if I am to be paired with her. I almost beam at my thoughts but then I think of Stella and how Jeremy is right. I am sure Stella would take this opportunity to enforce a whole new world of pain on Avalon. It makes me frown instead.

"I know, but she needs time, Jeremy." 

He grabs my arm as we near the table and forces me to meet his eyes. "Did she say something to you about what the hell happened? Did Kev do something to her or-"

I cut him off, "No. He didn't do anything."

Jeremy releases me and softly persists, "Then what?"

"I don't know," The lie rolls off my tongue easily. I am not about to indicate that I have spoken to Stella with the rest listening. Though we are now technically a team, we are not friends and nor do I want to share information about personal matters around them. "Let it be, Jer."

Jeremy looks as if he wants to say something back, but Rosalyn appears, laying a gentle on his shoulder and guiding him to look at her. She offers him a small smile when he does. "I saved some pancakes for you. Come eat." 

Jeremy seems reluctant but Rosalyn coaxes him off, dragging him behind her in pink shorts and matching pink shoes. Her curls bounce as she walks but Jeremy does not seem to care, for once, but rather longingly stares after me. I glance away.

I drag myself to the table and force an apple and oatmeal down my gullet. Liam joins us in similar attire with a muscle shirt and forces me to drink more water. "You'll need it," He tells me. I groan but comply.

Belle looks more anxiety-stricken than normal. She is shifty and nibbles at the corner of her muffin, never meeting the eyes of the others. Her hair is secured in a bun with strips of blue hanging loose as she bows her head. 

As we stand, I make my way to her. "Are you alright?"

Belle eyes flicker to mine briefly, "Yes." I raise an eyebrow at her. "I'm nervous. What if I get paired with Avalon or even worse, one of Alfie's friend? They're freaking huge!"

I place my hands on her shoulders as we come to a stop and others pass us. "It's important to breathe, Belle. I'm not the strongest either and of course I am worried about getting my ass kicked."

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