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Alina had been so happy to see Tomas again, especially since he had returned earlier than she had expected. Now he had just pierced her bubble with his high handedness. She had so wanted to throw herself into his arms and he just ruined the moment.

So what if he always wore his wedding band and so what if he never removed the chain she’d inserted on his hand whilst they’d been on honeymoon, but didn’t he understand she couldn’t work in the kitchen with the damn ring on for heaven’s sake! He had blown his top off like it was a national catastrophe or something.

‘You’ve come to take me home?’ she murmured.

His one eyebrow arched neatly. ‘You can leave?’ He questioned.

It was not yet seven, but she would have to leave in an hour anyway as he expected her home by eight, so one hour made no difference to her now in the mood she was in.

Alina shrugged her shoulders indifferently. She was the boss. ‘I suppose I can,’ she looked around. Everything was under control. They would manage quite easily without her for the next hour.

‘Okay cara,’ he smiled. ‘Let’s go,’ he held out his hand to her.

‘Just give me a minute. I need to talk to Rocco.’

The smile disappeared of Tomas’ face. Alina strode away, indifferent to the scowl on his face.

‘I’m going home,’ Alina murmured to Rocco, who was busy rolling away pastry. His eyes flew to Tomas who was glaring at the two of them. Rocco tossed the dough over none too gently.

‘Very soon you will not be coming to work at all,’ Rocco hissed.

‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Alina spoke softly.

‘Look at him,’ Rocco referred to Tomas. ‘He stands there like a lion and he bullies you. Why the hell did you marry him?’

‘Weren’t you supportive of the fact then that I marry him?’ Alina hissed back.

Rocco gripped her wrist with his messy flour stained hands. ‘We have enough money now cara.’


‘Get rid of him. He is destroying your dream. He is destroying you!’

I can’t.

‘Cara?’ Tomas’ authorative voice intruded from behind. Alina jumped. Tomas’ eyes were dark with anger as he saw Rocco’s hand possessively on Alina’s wrist. Guiltily she shifted away from Rocco as her eyes met Tomas’.

‘I’m ready,’ she mumbled.

Tomas nodded. His eyes locked angrily with Rocco’s. He did not say a single word. He did not need to. Rocco lowered his head and returned his attention to his pastry.

‘Would you like to go out for dinner cara?’ Tomas smiled down at Alina as his driver drove them home.

Alina looked up in Tomas’ handsome face. He was so good looking. It was such an effort staying angry with him. Even his possessive arm draped casually around her neck as they drove home, made her tingle with desire for him. So many times, she longed to lace her fingers through his, but lacked the nerve to do it. Her eyes fell to his sensuous lips. She ached for him. He had not even taken her in his arms when he’d walked into the restaurant.

‘Cara,’ Tomas groaned huskily. ‘Perhaps we should go straight to bed if I read your eyes correctly,’ he bent his head and his lips brushed hers gently.

‘Caroline would have cooked already,’ Alina looked away.

Tomas took her hand in his. ‘I want to take you out to dinner,’ he smiled. ‘When can you avail yourself?’

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