Ready Set Die

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Mya's P.O.V.

Nobody moved we all just stood there looking and waiting. For what?  My word. As badly as it was itching me to charge and attack I couldn't. Yes being this close to yet so far was killing me but we couldn't go in there saddles blazing.  "Team Luna one go with Justin. Team Queen one come with me, Luna two with Raymond, Queen two with Brandon. Remember stick to the plan we only improvise if we need to. We communicate through link only" I say and they all reply in agreement.  The teams are pretty simple, team Queen is mostly vampire but I did put werewolves on that team too because we are not just a covenant but we are also a pack they need to get along. The vampires need to understand and come to terms that my pack members are also theirs.  Team Luna is mostly werewolf with some vampire for the same reason just reversed. The pack needs to know that the covenant members are theirs too. Nobody is held higher than the other. Cole and I take both titles seriously we also hold them equally. We are not more Alpha and Luna than we are King and Queen or vice versa. My team and I climbed the west wall of the mansion.       "My Queen we have found a way in."  Inuyasha links stopping twenty feet above me.     "Excellent get me in there."  Was my reply.  The next thing I know Eric was giving Avery a slight boost from the ground and he jumped onto the window ledge as Inuyasha and Lamar bent the bars.  I saw little because werewolves can jump a pretty good distance not as far as vampires but pretty damn close. 

   "Luna I can't let you go in first it's standard procedure and besides if something happen to you on our account because we were lacking the smarts to check it out first I would never forgive myself." He bowed his head in respect.  I smiled, "It's ok I know it's a must for you and I'm not anger or offended. Yeah I know what you're thinking. Also thank you." There was really nothing I could say to change his mind. It's in his nature to protect his Luna. I would have actually offended him if I had of tried to stop in a matter like this one. To him it is a honor.  As he stepped in I prayed that he would be ok.  Once he gave us the ok we all followed suit.     "We need to hurry up and get to the celler from the looks of the floor plan we are on the third floor."  Eric Linked.  That may not seem so bad but when you're in an enemy's house it is.   "Let's get there as quickly as possible."  I say to my team.    "Mya there are at least fifty vampires headed your way and I'm not sure how many are inside but I do smell werewolves in there too. Another thing they know we are here so get to Cole fast."   Justin links me and I can tell that he is in battle. As soon as my team heard that they were on high alert. We heard movement and saw along the walls as the power went out.  Idiots cut the power when we all can see in the dark. Werewolves and vampires.  I took out my bow and arrow and aimed it at the first werewolf I saw that tried to go after Lamar.    "Not on my watch." I said as the woman turned back into a human. I heard a growl. I laughed as her mate charged at me.    "I got this."  I linked to them.   I picked the werewolf up by his throat while he was in wolf form.       "Your mate knew who I was yet she charged she knew I could help her and she still charged. You think I have sympathy on you?! When it is you who had taken my mate and beloved?! I have none." I ripped his head off.  As soon as I did that vampires and werewolves started charging at us.  "Well isn't this unfortunate in this small hallway."  I began shooting them with my arrows. The arrows did work on the vampires so the guys had to fight them and even some werewolves who got past my arrows dude to me shooting another at the time.  By the time we were done the hallway floors and walls were covered in blood. Luckily none of my team got hurt.     "Hey Justin, Brandon and Raymond. How are things looking?" I asked worried through the link.    "Right now things are good bloody but good no loss here." Raymond was the first to reply.     "None here either. Find Cole yet?"  Justin asked.     "Nope and things got out of hand in here but we handled it. Glad to report no losses."  I was still anxious for Brandon's reply.  After moments of walking and ending up on floor two he replied.  "Dammit I fucking love this staff axe thing King Cole's grandma gave me. Also no losses." He said like a kid in a candy store. I breathed a breath of relief. I will chew him out later now was not the time because he's in battle and we just found our second group of enemies. Yay!  Not really.   "Let's make this one fast guys."  I link and my stomach growls.  "Like for real fast I'm hungry. Speed of light?"  I playfully say.  The vampires hiss. I put my bow down these are all. Vampires don't die by wolfsbane and silver. It's more steak in the heart, lack of blood, head being ripped off or heart being ripped out, a special sword and fire. Fire! I begin to smirk.   "When I'm fighting whatever you guys do please to get in my way I hate to hit the wrong one I will be saddened forever."  I stressed to them.     "What do you mean?" Inuyasha asked.   "That's the element of surprise my dear friend."  I smirked.  A vampire charged and I threw a fire ball at him. He engulfed in flames and turned into ashes.  All hell broke loose after that I had to rely on other fighting techniques because throwing fire ball at each one. would tire me out.    "Eric look out!"  I yelled as a second vampire tried to attack him. I vampire speed ran and tackled him. Which caused us to break a wooded chair. Hell yes!  I grabbed a piece and jammed it into his heart. He hissed as he turned to ash.  "Get the Queen to the celler we will take care of this."  Benjamin said.   Before I left I sent a few more fire balls killing six vampires. I thought I would even it a little.  "Luna we are here." Eric linked.  I stared at the door before kicking it in.What I saw engulfed my body in flames.  Robert was hitting my fucking beloved and mate. I vampire speed ran over to him and threw him against the cement wall. I looked over at him he will be knocked out long enough for me to help Cole.  "You!" I heard that oh so annoying familiar voice say.  Inuyasha hissed.  "I know of you Nick!"  He yelled running up to him. His hair going from black to a silver white.   "Who in the are you?" Nick asked confused.  "I am the one you will wish you never met." He said kicking him in the stomach causing him to fly across the room. "I am the one you will have nightmares about in your after life." He was back at him again this time banging his head into the floor.    "I am the one that will teach you to never mess with my Queen! You never bring harm to her again."  He picked him up by his neck and slid him up the wall.    "I will kick your ass then rid her of that child growing inside of her." Nick laughed. Inuyasha's eyes went from black, silver and red.  He leaned in and whispered, "You will not live to destroy what is mine." I'm guess he thought I didn't hear it.  Apparently the baby felt a need to make her presence known because she decided to kick me.    "Ready get set die." At that he tore off his head.  From the corner of my eye I saw Cole stirring a little. I rushed to his side.  I started to tap him on his face.   "Cole baby wake up, come on baby I need you to wake up." I continued to tap his face.    "Go away you're not real. Why do you continue to haunt me?" Cole mumbled. I smacked him hard as hell and his his popped open.  "How's that for not real?" I arched an eyebrow.    "Why are you here?" He asked in confusion.    "Well Robert took you, you belong to me so therefore I am here to take back what is mine. So I strongly advise you to drink and push those poisons out your system because we need you out there. Besides,that you really don't want to fuck with me right now I'm not in the mood you and I have some shit to settle once this is over." I growled and hissed causing Cole to groan.   "Am I always in trouble babe?"  He tried to do a puppy dog face but yeah I'm so not having it.  "Yes when you do dumb shit. Drink now, kick ass soon and we will discuss that later." As I exposed my neck Lamar tossed me two blood bags for when after Cole has fed from me. Cole needs my blood to detox his body from the wolves bane and silver. Me being his mate also beloved only my blood can do so. There is medicine but this is faster way faster. Cole sank his fangs into my neck. By the time he was done I was definitely feeling dizzy. Cole sat me up against him. I sank my fangs into the first bag draining it quickly then the second one.  Standing up I removed the sword and handed it to Cole.   "A sword?" He arched an eyebrow.   "Yes your grandma and my grandma
made it. It's made with wolfsbane and silver so don't cut yourself. It's also enchanted and it will return to you if you drop it or something." Cole took it smiling.  "Our grandma's are awesome."  I rolled my eyes. Cole with weapons is like a kid at an amusement park.   "Let's go our people need us." I say and they all nod.   "What about Robert?" Eric asks looking to where Robert should have been but was no longer there.  "Oh I will find him better believe it." I went over to where he had lay there was a puddle of blood from where he busted his head when I threw him. I took in the scent. Once I had it I took off running in the direction Robert went until I was slammed into the wall. Which hurt a little because I was in vampire speed.  "Where in the hell do you think you are going?"  Cole growled.   "I'm going after Robert now let go." I hissed which earned a hiss from Cole.  "Doing things by myself is how I got myself in the situation I was just in. No more of doing things alone and by ourselves we do this together." He said kissing my forehead as a vampire tried to sneak up behind him I threw. fireball.  "Ok we will do this together but you will have to keep up because I'm the only one that has his scent."  I tell him.   He smirks, "Babe this douche bag has been as he puts it torturing me for the last few days I think his scent is pretty much burnt in my nose."  He walks past me but stops. "Thanks for saving my ass twice in one day." He smirked and I smiled.  "Do you miss anything?"     "Yep just you. Now let's go get this son of a bitch." He growls.  We in vampire speed run in Roberts direction which lead to outside.  Once we exited the mansion there was no sigh of Robert any where at least not visually. That's the moment we joined the battle. Robert wanted to make us work to fight him but little does he know I've been fighting since he took Cole.   "I got left you got right."  Cole linked me and I nodded.  I pulled out my bow and arrow and began shoots. Cole drew his sword. This wasn't training anymore I had to look out for myself, Cole as well as my pack and covenant members.  I came across one enemy vampire who seemed to be in conflict with himself.  So I entered his mind.   "What seems to be the trouble having second thoughts on killing your Queen?"  At first he was in shock that I was in his head but it quickly vanished as he replied.   "I can not say anything to you they will know." He was panicking.   "Calm down I placed a block in your mind they cannot hear our conversation. Now why are you at conflict when the others seem so sure of themselves?"  I asked as I shot an arrow at the werewolf behind him.   "They have my beloved and child and will kill them if I don't fight I have no choice I am sorry my Queen." He charged at me.   I grabbed him by the arm and twisted it behind him.  "Yes you do I will help you where is your child and beloved?"  He struggled a bit against me.   "They are in the cell that is right side of the one the King was in."  He said and I threw him to the ground.  "Sorry but I do have to make it looks like I'm fighting you or they will suspect something. Also I will help you but under a few conditions. You will only drink animal blood and you will join my covenant. Gather all the ones that are in your situation and are willing to join me." He thanked me as we pretend fought into the woods.  "Now go and I will meet you in the celler."  I told him.   "I need you to come with me to the cellers we have some prisoners to free." I link to Inuyasha.   "Yes my Queen."  He said then was quickly beside me.  I linked Cole, Justin, Brandon and Raymond to let them know where we were headed also what we were doing. The vampire that I had taken under my wing was already there waiting with twenty more that were in his situation both vampire and werewolf.   "My Queen I know that you are a hybrid and was hoping that you had a place for werewolves in your pack." He said.  "I do. My apologies I did not get your name earlier. What is it?"  I say.      "My name is Dezmond."     "Dezmond show me where each prisoner is."  He took me to the first cell which I'm assuming is where his child and beloved are.   "Inuyasha can you sense the bodies inside?"  I asked because there are no windows on the door.    "Yes." He responded.   "Make a shield around them." He did as I said. When I knew that the shield was around them I blew at the door causing it to fly into the wall above the two that were inside. He removed the shield and they ran to Dezmond. "Thank you my Queen thank you." Dezmond cried.   "Wait for me in the woods near the cave." I told him and nodded then turned to leave.   The same went for each one. Until majority of the cells were clear. There were still quite a bit more but I will free them all. There were so many here that are in this war because their love one's are kept prisoner.  It's saddens me to see this due to a power hungry Alpha. We had freed all of them and told them where to meet us. I had linked my people telling them that anyone leaving the fight willingly let them. Now that we had done this it's time to find Robert and put an end to this once and for all. Joining Cole and my people back in the battle I searched for Robert until I saw him watching a far on a cliff.  I found my way toward the path to the cliff then vampire speed climbed it. I jumped into a tree not far from Robert.   "Hello Robert we meet again."

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