Chapter 35

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Author's Note: Here it is. The long awaited chapter 35. This is gonna be one of the last chapters. only a few left. So, enjoy it.

--Harry's P.O.V--

I wanted to be with Nikki. I really did. I wanted us both to be happy, but me being here wasn't making her happy. Her happiness meant more to me than mine. So, I decided to go back home. I pulled myself up out of the bed, and pulled on sweatpants, and a tshirt. I packed the rest of my stuff, and then opened the door to my hotel. I went across the hall, and knocked on Liam's hotel room door.

It opened, and Liam himself was standing there. His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Haz?" He asked, as if he was only imagining me standing there.

"Yeah, Li. It's me." I said quietly. He shoved the door out of the way, and embraced me in a hug. I let go of my bags to hug him back.

"Oh, my gosh, Harry! We were so worried about you! I-" He stopped when he looked at my bags. "Harry?"

"Can I come in, Li?" He nodded, and I picked my bags up and stepped through the door, and into his hotel room.

"Hey, Harry!" Louis said. Everyone smiled at me, but their smiles faded when they saw me holding my bags.

"Harry, what's going?" Zayn asked.

"Why do you have your stuff packed?" Niall asked.

"Because, I'm leaving."

"Where ya going?" Lou asked.

"Home, Lou. I'm going back to England."

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing has changed. We haven't changed her mind."

"But we will Harry!" Cayley said. "We just need some more time and-"

"No, Cayley. We've tried everything. And I appreicate everything you've done for me, but it's not working. I care about Nikki. A lot. And I just want her to be happy. Her happiness means more to me than my own does. As long as she's happy I don't care. So, if me leaving will make her happy, then so be it. That's all I want. I just want her to be happy."

"Are you sure you're ready to give her up?" Louis asked me. I looked at him.

"No." I said truthfully. "I'm not ready to give her up. I don't think I'll ever be ready to give her up. But, I'm ready for her to be happy."

"Okay then, Mate. We'll go pack our stuff." Liam said, moving towards the bedroom, with Zayn following behind him.

"Cayley, you're coming too, right, Babe?" Niall asked, looking over at Cayley. She looked at me. Nikki was her best friend. I knew that she normally wouldn't leave without Nikki.

"Of course." She said, looking away from me, and at Niall. "I'll go pack."

"I'll text you to pick up your ticket." Niall said.

"Alright." She said. She kissed him before hurrying out the door.

--Cayley's P.O.V--

I ran to my house, and started packing. Of course I was going back to England with him. But so was Nikki. If she knew I was going, she would probably go. After finishing packing everything I needed, I started for Nikki's.

I climbed through her window, and walked over to her bed.

"Get up, Nikki." I said, pulling the cover off of her. She sat bolt upright.

"What is with people interrupting me when I'm sleeping? Leave me alone."

"He's leaving you know." I said. "He's going home. Because of you. He just wnats you to be happy, and he thinks you'll be happy once he leaves. But I know you Nikki. And I know that won't make you happy. No matter what you say, you love him, and you want to be with him."

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