Ken Magee - Author of the Dark Tidings Trilogy

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My website is and you can get there easily by clicking on the 'External Link' icon on the right.

It was built using WordPress and, for now, I've adopted one of their standard design themes. I'm exploring the myriad of available plugin features and have found Askimet particularly useful... it stops spam comments being posted on the site.

The KenMageeAuthor website is new and is still a work in progress, that's why I want help to make it as good as it can be.

I want the website to be interesting, informative and enaging. Most of all I want readers who are interested in my work to subscribe, that way I can keep them informed about release dates for new books or other interesting news.

Please have a look, please subscribe and please use the comment box below to share suggestions about how I can improve things.

Thank you.

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