Chapter 8

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Sonic's P.O.V

When I saw Blaze collapse, I had no idea what to do. I froze. After a few seconds of nothing, the screaming began. I began to panic and I rushed over to her, trying to see what had happened. She had her eyes closed, her lilac fur still wet from her tears. I had wondered what had caused those tears in the first place, but I was brought back into reality from a blood curdling scream that sent shivers down my spine.

I looked down to see that Blaze was the source of the scream, and I felt my stomach clench. I had caused this. This was my fault. I picked Blaze's head up, and looked for any sign of bleeding. Finding none, I let out a breath of relief. Blaze screamed again, and my full attention was on her. New tears were forming in the edges of her eyes, threatening to spill over. I could tell these tears were from pain, her pain. I closed my eyes and looked away, feeling a bit sick.

I had to think of what I could do to stop her pain, but I couldn't come up with anything. Blaze's body thrashed out of my arms, and I could tell she had no control over her body. I picked Blaze up bridal style, and tightened my grip, afraid that she would thrash out again, and she would fall and get hurt. Well, even more hurt. My stomach clenched again at the thought that I was the reason she was hurt in the first place. I excited the cave and looked towards her house.

"Could I take her there?" I asked myself. "No, I can't just leave her there to fend for herself. She would never make it on her own, not in this state!" I was running out of options, and so I did the only thing I could think to do. I ran. I ran past the hills, past the mall, past the ocean, coming up with nothing. I came to a screeching halt as it occurred to me what I should do. I raised my hand to face palm, but then I remembered I had a screaming girl in my arms. I sighed, and gently laid her down on the grass.

This was the first time that I realized my surroundings. We were in a meadow, and frankly, I had no idea where we were. I sighed in frustration. Could this day get any worse?! Then my question was answered when Blaze let out the loudest of her screams yet, tears now flowing down her face. I quickly picked up Blaze again, and ran in a random direction until we were at some random city. I looked around the streets until I saw a payphone, and I headed towards it. It was times like these when I regretted not carrying my cell phone! But then again, I would have to wear pants.

I went to the phone and called Cream's house, placing the toll on her. I heard Vanilla pick up the phone, and she sighed in annoyance. "Who is it, and why am I paying toll?" She asked. "Hey Vanilla, it's Sonic. Something's wrong with Blaze... I don't know what's wrong, she's passed out and screaming... can you tell me what to do?!" I heard silence on the other end, probably her absorbing the information. I tapped my foot in annoyance, hating the wait.

"Bring her here. We will take care of her. I'll tell Cream." I grunted in understanding. "Got it." I knew people were staring at us; I mean a cat and a hedgehog in a phone booth, one on the floor and the other making a call? Yeah, I'd think it strange too. But at the moment, I didn't give a crap. I put the phone back on the case, picked up Blaze, and sped off. I ran through the city, heading to wherever my feet took me. I headed down a dirt path and took a left, starting to recognize the terrain.

I sighed in relief, realizing I was closer to Cream's than I thought I was. I burst through the door with my foot, grimacing when I realized I would have to pay for it later. Cream and Vanilla's head snapped up in surprise at my entrance. Then their attention turned to Blaze. Cream gasped, tears forming in her eyes; shock written across her face. She wrapped her arms around herself, almost as if she was trying to shield herself from the truth. I knew this would take a heavy toll on Cream; Blaze had always been a close friend of hers.

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