Life Gets Like A Roller Coaster

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Today was to be the best day of my life. I was to turn 16 and I was supposed to have that party that every girl gets when she turns this age. Of course, that party was going to be thrown by my best friend and her biker family and not my drug addict of a mother and rapist of a step-father. As I crept into the house though I was met with the sight of my freakishly smiling mother and step-dad as they sat talking to two people whose clothes screamed that they did not belong in this part of town let alone in this city. Slowing my steps, I said, "um...I'm going to go hang out with Shae and the bikers. They're throwing me my party because it is my birthday today wether or not you actually remember it."

My mother turned and gave me that weird smile as she said, "Oh Honey, you know how we raised you and we raised you to greet your guests and stay around until we say you can be excused. And we don't exactly approve of Shae or her biker gang either and you know that."

Frowning, I said, "I don't know why you are trying to impress these people, but you ignore me and get high while he rapes me when I am around so don't try and act like you raised me. If anything the gang raised me and they taught me better life lessons than the two of you ever even tried to. Hello whoever you two are and I'm sorry you had to witness this outburst of mine but I can't stand fake people and that's what they were being so, yeah goodbye and have a nice life."

The man and woman smiled at me with almost proud and approving looks on their faces while my mom and step-dad looked shocked and embarrassed to the max. As I was leaving the woman stood up and said, "Would it be alright if my husband and I joined you? After all we came here on your behalf seeing as of the fact that your father wishes to kidnap you from your mother after every legal attempt he made to get you back was not even set in motion. He sent us here to get you and it seems we might not have that much of a problem taking you back."

As we walked out the door, I shook my head and said, "I would go with you in a heartbeat, but my best friend Shae and her dad's biker gang would either follow us there or refuse to let you take me. Either way you would end up with a lot of trouble from and around me. Not from the gang though, they're the kind of biker gang that's in it for the right to party, wear matching leather jackets, and ride motorcycles everywhere while looking scary."

Nodding as she followed me, the woman waited for the man to catch up before they followed as he said, "We were hoping that they would come with you because not only is this a bad place to grow up in, but your father doesn't want to get rid of your hu- I mean, life-long support system."

Raising an eyebrow at the half said word that the man quickly replaced, I wondered for a minute how the man would react if he were to find out that I was a human girl protected and loved by the most powerful clan of vampires in the world. As we neared the headquarters, I noticed hat the man and woman were getting more tense and looking at me with curiosity and worry in their eyes. When Shae came running out to greet me they both tensed and sniffed the air loudly. Right before she hugged me, Shae came to a screeching halt as she saw the two behind me. Narrowing her eyes, she pulled me behind her and hissed, saying, "What are you werewolves doing following my best friend?"

Looking over Shae's shoulder at the two crouched people, I said, "Oh cool! Does this mean that my dad is a werewolf. Wait, does that mean I'm a werewolf? Wait, does this mean that Shae and the gang can't come with me to go stay with my dad?"

Shae straightened at the mention of my dad and said, "I don't care where you are or what they say, the gang and I took an oath to protect you like you're our queen and that's what we'll do."

The man and the woman nodded and the woman said, "We understand, especially since she actually is a princess of the werewolf world despite her dormant wolf."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2012 ⏰

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