Waking Up

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Harry’s POV

We kept on calling Amanda and nothing at all. Louis was mad at himself for getting mad at Amanda like that. Nathan was mad he was just text her and calling her trying to get an answer from her but nothing.

Then 2 hour later Simon came downstairs and said, “Amanda is in the hospital.” We looked at him in shock. Nathan gets up and goes to the car he gets in and starts driving.

He has a thing for Amanda also.

I’m guessing a lot of the guys like her but I don’t know if she dates. Well we decided to go to the hospital and when we got there Nathan was inside with Amanda.

He was there crying looking at her beautiful face and touching her hair. I wish I was him right now so close to her. He looked up and saw us standing there we all went in and we knew that Amanda was in a coma.

The way her face looked like she was drugged up but she still looked beautiful. It was getting later so we decided that we all stay and in the morning we will go by twos home to go take a shower and get dress. So we decided to go asleep and relax if there is more news.

Amanda’s POV

Ugh what time is it I look up 2 o’ clock in the morning. I press the button to call the doctor he came in and told me I had a bullet stuck in my stomach they were able to get it out but my circulation in my arms stopped so they decided to have surgery today.

I told him to do right for I could have time to heal and rest a little bit more. So I went straight into surgery. It was a complete success and I finally was able to move my arms. So I fell back to sleep at 5.

Nathan’s POV

Amanda hasn’t woken up and I’m waiting for her we all took a shower already. And seeing if there is any different. Harry noticed she wasn’t drugged up any more and she was out of the coma. But I thought why would she still be sleeping. All the guys except for me went downstairs to get some subway.

I was there waiting when I started talking to her, “Amanda please wake up we’ve been waiting, I’ve been waiting.” I started crying softly. Then I hear, “don’t cry love I hate to see you cry.” I look up and there she is sitting up looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

I ran to her and kissed her. She returned the kiss. She fell into my arms and told me everything how she got up in the middle of the night and how she had to go through surgery to get her circulation back. Ugh my beautiful girl is back.

She got dressed into some jeans and a tank top like usual. We went downstairs and went to subway. She got a 6in turkey, bacon, and avocado on honey oat bread, with provolone cheese, with all veggies, honey mustard sauce, with bar-b-que chips with a sweet tea.  I told the person who was making it a foot long and to cut it in half with another chips and drink.

I got our stuff and went over to the table where the guys were and started eating my side of the sandwich. Liam said,”Hey are you Niall today?” “No but I have a guest”

Amanda walked over with our drinks and said; “Heller boys!!!!!"

they screamed and jumped on Amanda they hugged her really tight and kissed her check. We finished eating and we went to her house for a pool party.

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