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Why was there some tramp hanging off of him??

I clomped over there, and tried to seem angry, but the high I got in the bathroom was messing with me.

"Noah, what are you doing?" I screeched.

He pulled away from the girl on his lap, and his eyes were red and blood shot. You could see a type of slowness in his eyes, so I instantely knew that he was either drunk or high. Or both.

"What?" He asked, extremely slow.

"Who the hell is this?" I pointed at the girl on his lap. She turned to look at me, and she looked high as well.

"I'm Crystal." She giggled. Ha, yeah, crystal meth.

"We just met, and felt this... spark." Noah smiled up at me hazily. My own head was swimming, so I had trouble really following his words.

"Noah, do you want to dance?" To me, this seemed like a perfectly good idea. To Crystal, not so much.

"I thought you wanted time with me." Crystal said in a husky voice.

"Naw, I want to dance with Maddie. I'll see you later." He literally pushed her out of his lap as he stood up. I grabbed onto his hand and led him over to the bathrooms. I pushed him up against the wall and whispered in his ear.

"I don't want to dance Noah." I licked his ear to make sure he knew what I was suggesting.

He put his hands on my back and butt in an instant. I admit, I wasn't totally high, but it was my first time getting high so I had a really bad headache and was totally out of it.

I roughly shoved my lips against his, and felt raw emotion. I could feel that he was happy, but it wasn't shown with his lips. Those were a train wreck. It was shown with his hands. They were a little more forgiving. They slipped down around my arms, and caressed my lower back.

My hands played with his hair and shirt hem, and my lips were probably as horrible as his.

Someone pushed into us and yelled, "Get a room!"

I looked around, and only saw the girls bathroom next to me. I wasn't thinking straight, and I pulled Noah into the bathroom after me. We clambered into an empty stall, and didn't even bother locking the door. We just leaned up on it, continuing our make out session.

We were breathing in the smoke from the druggies in the stall next to us, but we were too involved with each other to care.

I was having a good time, when I suddenly remembered that we had to do something at midnight. It had something to do with cars I think.

I pulled away from Noah, putting my hand on his chest.

"Noah, what were we supposed to do at midnight?" I knew there was something we had to do.

I don't know why I was asking him though, because he was drunk and high I think. I suddenly felt like I was taking advantage of him, and it made me feel bad. When Noah tried to assault me with his lips again, I pushed him away.

"Noah, will you remember any of this in the morning?" I asked slowly.

"I don't know." He was answering honestly, and that made me sad.

"We shouldn't do this then." I told him, trying to open the door that he was leaning up against.

"Why?" Noah moaned. I hit him in his gut, and he doubled over. He pushed me out of the way as he barfed into the toilet.

I pulled the door open, and walked out of the bathroom. I leaned up against the wall next to the bathroom, and looked out over the club.

Well, if Noah wasn't going to remember anything I do, then I might as well do something that I always will remember.

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