The Beautiful Story of Draco and his Apple <3 /Drapple/ :)

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  • Dedicated to Jordan :D

Draco pushed his way to the front of the crowd. 'Stupid Potter. The fool's going to kill himself (Who cares?) , trying to pat that oversized-chicken because that oaf is telling him to. Just wait 'til my father hears about this! Dumbledore letting HIM teach. Father always said that old fool is the worst thing that ever happened to Hogwarts.

"At least I have you,"  he whispered to the, sweet, fresh piece of fruit in his hand.

It shined in the sunlight through the trees. 

His beautiful, glorious apple.

Everybody was watching him. ( He thought so). He decided to make a great show of walking up to the chicken. "You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?" 

He suddenly realised the danger, when the beast reared up and went for his beloved apple.He fell backwards so the bloody chicken couldn't harm his dear apple. But the beast scratched the skin on the glistening fruit. Juice spurted, and a crack appeared. He stared in horror at his beautiful, ripe sweetheart. Then he was torn from his trance by the blood spreading all over his sleeve. The creature had struck him.  He didn't care. His Malus Domestica was there, in his hand, and he had let her/him be harmed. Rage flushed through him. He became Hysterical. "MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! YOU AND YOUR BLOODY CHICKEN!!!" He yelped at Hagrid. He was in shock, for the Hippogriff had harmed the love of his life. His apple. His FRUIT. HIS GREEN, CRUNCHY GOODNESS! He'd have the beast killed, for this!

Still holding the victim of the beast, he was brought into the Medical Bay.

"Heal my fruit. Heal my apple. Make it better, please..." He whispered. But nobody heard him.

~          ~           ~

When he awoke, the first thing he thought was: 'What a nightmare! My poor apple.'  He reached across to stroke her/him put felt nothing. 

Suddenly, it all came rushing back to him. "POMFREY, WHERE'S MY APPLE?" He yelled, panic choursing through him.

"Don't strain yourself, Draco, poppet, you can eat soon." said the nurse, coming  into the room.

He stared at her, appalled."Eat? My apple? WHAT? WHY ON EARTH WOULD I DO THAT?!?!?" He yelped.

"My pet, I understand. You don't want something healthy, but something sweet. But, my dear, you need to rest, then you can have a bit of soup, and go back to your common room." She smiled and patted his head. "But where is she? Where's my apple?" He asked her, nervously.

"An apple?" 

She laughed. 

"My dear, that old thing? It was going brown, I threw it out.-" 

She stopped smiling, for big, fat , very wet (duh ) tears were rolling down his face.

"Y-y-y-you  d-didn't! Te-te-tell my your lying!" He sobbed. He leapt from the bed, and stumbled towards her. Draco fell to his knees, and clutched  Madam Pomfrey's robes. She felt like kicking his demented head. A trickle of drool fell from his mouth. "Uh, it might still be in the bins...?" Madam Pomfrey said uncertainly.

A spark of hope lit his eyes. "MAAAH!" He yelled and leapt, yet again, up and out of the room. "I'M COMING, BABY!" he roared, legging it along the corridor. He barelled  through a girl called Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff and Ernie Macmillan, also from Hufflepuff. They yelled abuse after him, as he ran on, to where the kitchens are. He just about managed to tickle the pear, through his rage, and stopped in the kitchen. "Where is she?" he growled through his teeth. "WHERE'S MY APPLE?"

The house-elves looked up, in shock. 

"S-sir?" A little house elf,with big blue eyes, and a nose like a carrot, asked uncertainly.


 He roared at her. She cowered in fear and backed away. Another house elf came up, a male, this time. He as broad, and had slightly grey eyes, and a box-ish nose. "Sir, do not yell at poor Gilly, Stampy pleads of you! Little Gilly works hard, and is not hearing of your apple! Nor is Stampy!" he squealed.

Draco spotted the bins.

He dived head first into them, and searched frantically for his apple.

He then spotted her at the top. He then lifted the fruit, and kissed it repeadedly.

The house elves stared, repulsed. A skinny, tall elf came forward with light brown eyes, and piped "Sir, you musn't be doing that. Sir, that's not healthy. Let Twinkle get you a new apple, sir." She skipped to the fruit bowl and took out a beautiful, green, shiny, sweet, crunchy and tasty-looking apple. Draco's eyes widened. The mouldy, unfresh, browning  apple he was holding fell to the ground (ALL BY MYSELFFFFFF, DON WANNA BEE, ALLLL BYYY MYSELLLLFFF) with a slight squilsh, and lay there sadly, abandoned, hurt and heart-broken. 

Draco snatched the apple an ran from the kitchens, 

Yelling and shouting and skipping for joy. He ran into the sunset with his new true love.

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