12. Peyton - 4: The First Day

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Peyton picked up a wooden bow and inspected it carefully. It had so much power. It could do so much. It had turned so many lives in different directions. It had the power of love.

“It is completely useless,” Eros stated suddenly as he entered into his office. Peyton quickly placed the bow back onto the stand where it had been and placed her hands behind her back innocently.

“Why?” she asked curiously. “You used to use it all the time. That’s how you fell in love with Grandma!”

“Exactly why we had to stop using it,” Eros said as he took a seat behind the desk in the room. “Too many casualties on the job.”

“It was only you,” Peyton replied lamely.

Eros crossed his arms defensively. “And I am kind of a big deal in this business. It doesn’t matter anyway, we don’t use any weapons.”

“Then what do we use?”

“Our words,” Eros answered. “They can be powerful. You have my blood in your veins which makes you, well, likable. People are going to trust you when you talk to them. People are going to want to listen. People are going to listen. You just have to perfect the art of persuasion.”

“And how would I do that?”

“With our help of course!”

Two identical blonde haired, blue eyed men strolled into the office practically filling up the space of the room.

“Deimos! Phobos!” Peyton cried. She ran up and hugged her two uncles.

“Wow, we haven’t seen you since you were just a little girl,” Deimos said ruffling Peyton’s red hair. She only knew it was him because he had raised his hand first when she called out their names.

“You have grown,” Phobos agreed.

“Guys,” Peyton began. “I’m almost 20 years old.”

“Aw, and still so cute,” Deimos cooed jokingly. “She’s growing up!”

“Not for long,” Eros replied. “She’ll stop eventually.”

“Yes, we heard from Mother all about the whole council meeting,” Phobos said.

Deimos laughed nervously. “I’m sure it was exaggerated though. I cannot imagine sweet Psyche calling her such awful names.”

Eros shook his head and rolled his eyes. Peyton cocked her head to the side confused.

“What names?”

Phobos gave her shoulder a soft pat. “Names that you are far too young to hear. They would ruin your innocence.”

Peyton crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. She did not enjoy being treated like a child. She was an adult for goodness sake! Yet just because everyone was a millennium or two older than her, they all thought they were superior.  Stupid gods…

“So what took you so long to come around?” Deimos asked his brother.

Eros sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

“He wanted to let me live some more before I have to start working for the rest of my life,” Peyton claimed. “I had no complaints about that.”

“You don’t want the job?” Phobos asked curiously.

Peyton shrugged. “Not particularly, but Grandpa needed my help so here I am.”

“How sweet of you,” Deimos remarked seriously. “Your grandfather needed help.”

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