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Max just smiled and said, "Fine."

I turned and put my hand out to him then watched as he kissed my hand. Disappearing, I know  he's still watching me. When I get home my father is waiting on me. The second I walk in he looks up in concern. Instantly, I knew something had happened I could feel it. "Where's Alan?"

"He's just looking for Andrew."

"Why Andrew?"

He stops mid sentence and gives me a look. I don't have to look up at him to know what he's trying to get at. I knew bringing him into this would invoke the anger of the Mantons. More scum coming to town also makes us a bigger target. My father says, "I know you don't like him, but he's going to help us."

"Okay, talk it out with the Manton's yet?"


"They're mad but they agree it's not best idea to get the police involved." 


"Yes, but they want to know who did it."

"No, they don't. Talk them out of it. I can take those memories away. She'll never know that it ever happened."

"I'll go talk to them, again."

"Thank you."

Once again I was left to my own thoughts. Something had changed, but for now it hadn't presented itself. Letting my mind wander, it goes back to the first time I found my dad.

I had been wandering around in the small town at night. This was the first time I noticed a medium size man had been watching me through a nearby store window. Shaking my head, I just walk on by. I just kept walking not really paying attention to where I'm going until I'm in the middle of a corn field. I turn around to find the man, who had been watching me, was standing behind me. He smirks and murmurs in my ear, "Hello I'm Greyson Hallowell."

"Hello Greyson. " I slowly move away from him. Concern crosses his face as he says, "Do you have a place to stay?"

Groaning then suddenly realizing I haven't been in a house since I was changed. I say, "No, but I can handle myself."

Greyson reaches out and touches my skin. "Your freezing cold my child. You need a warm place to stay, and I have one don't make me make you come with me."

Once the threat sunk in, an involuntary growl escaped from my lips. I could feel the anger bubbling up from inside. Instantly, the hair on my neck stood up. He smiles and grabs me by the waist suddenly throwing me over his shoulder. 

"I told you that I'd do it. Never underestimate me."

Angrily swiping at the man, I hit his neck as hard as I possibly can. The second after the hit landed I felt his sudden outrage. I realized he wasn't human. No human would have survived that blow. I had used every ounce of power I had. With one sudden movement I was tumbling off his shoulder. Once I looked up he had a bemused look on his face. 

"How did, could you have survived that? It's not possible."

"Ha! I am not human my dear. I've been a vampire for almost 35 years."

"A vampire?"

A confused look crossed his face as he said, "You've never heard of a vampire before?"

"No, I don't even know what I am."

"You my dear are what we call a half ling. Which means your a half human, half vampire. A vampire is someone who is undead, which is immortal."

"I know what that means. I'm not stupid. Thank you for telling me all that."

"Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

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