Chapter 36

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"Are you having cold feet, Raiza?" Harry asked, smirking. There was a hint of playfulness and humour in his tone.

"Don't push it, Harry." I warned, shaking. I can't believe I had hopped on that damn motorcycle again. I told him that we should go to wherever he was taking me by bus or on a taxi, but Harry didn't want to leave his precious motorcycle parked at the pier. Just do whatever it takes to make him leave you alone. Everything will be worth it, my subconscious encouraged me.

All I knew was that we were in West Hollywood but didn't know why or where we were going specifically. I couldn't eat anything at the pier because Harry just dragged me to his motorcycle and drove off, so I expect that he's taking me to somewhere we can eat. I'm starving.

"You brought me to a tattoo parlour, Harry!?" I said in shocked as I saw the bright sign with 'Shamrock Tattoo' written in it. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Oh shut up and walk." He said, grabbing my hand. "It’s just a stop before our final destination."

"That final destination better have something to do with food." I whispered annoyed. I heard him laugh and say something that I couldn't quite hear.

We entered the tattoo shop and a mid-aged man with a piercing on the space that's between the inferior lip and chin and a lot of tattoos approached us.

"Harry! My man!" He said, giving him a 'bro-hug'. "What's up, bro? You want another tattoo?"

Harry laughed and ran his hand through his hair. "You know me too well."

I remained in silence just looking from Harry to the man and trying to figure out why I was here. Then the tattoo artist looked at me and smiled. "Oh, I see you have company. A very beautiful one, I must say." He got closer and grabbed my free hand and kissed it. "I'm Freddy Negrete, very nice to meet you."

I felt Harry's grip tighten on my hand. "Easy." He warned the man.

Freddy lifted his hand and laughed. "I'm just being a gentleman, bro. Ain't going to still your girl."

"I'm Raiza, nice to meet you." I said. "And I'm not 'his girl'." I quickly let go of Harry's hand, which for some reason I was still holding.

"I apologize." He said, lowering his head. "I don't know how I thought someone like you would be with this evil guy." I looked at him confused because I didn't know if he was being serious, but the look on his face and his tone didn't tell me otherwise. Until he started laughing and I knew he was joking.

"Are you going to make the tattoo or not?" Harry said annoyed. I glared at him. Why does he always have to be so rude?

"What do you think he should get, Raiza?" Freddy said, turning around to look at me.

"The word 'asshole' would be a marvellous option." I said, smiling.

"She's funny." The tattoo artist laughed. "I like her, Harry. Nice choice. Quizás hasta se te pega el espíritu santo, maldito diablo." He said, slightly punching Harry's shoulder.

I started to walk around the shop meanwhile Harry decided what he wanted to get. A pool table caught my attention. I've never played pool but maybe I could try learning. I mean, I didn't know how much time Freddy was going to be working on Harry's tattoo and I had to kill time somehow.

I grabbed a pool stick and examined it. I've seen people rub something on the point of it before they begin playing. I looked around to see if I find that thing but the feeling of someone's hand on my waist made me jump.

"I can teach you how to play, baby." Harry whispered in my ear. I could feel his body really closed to mine. And in a stupid attempt of I don't even know what my back bumped into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I knew my heart was pounding and I could feel my cheeks growing warm, so being backwards to Harry and not seeing his face was somehow good.

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