Daughter of Bellona

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Percy's POV

After the whole storm incident the new demigods were slightly timid around me. Oh who are we kidding I copletely terrified the Latino Elf, the girl with the one shoe and the feather girl. Every time I moved they seemed to flinch almost as if I was an angry parent who they were afraid would strike them at any second.

When we finally landed in the camp campers started to gather around. Malcom pushed to the front of the group obviously worried about his missing sister. "Did you find Annabeth?" he asks glancing behinde us and at our pockets as if he hoped she would jump out from behinde one of us and yell "Pranked!" or something.

I look at Malcolm sadly and shake my head sadly. I won't stop looking for my Wise Girl even if it takes me to the end of my fate. I'm with her until the End of the line ( Captain America 2 anyone? no just me okay continue)

Malcom sighs and shakes his head. He cares about her almost as much as I do. Almost. Suddenly I hear people gasp and start to murmur amongst themselves. I turn around and see that the elf kid has a flaming hammer shining above his head that he's trying to swat away.

"He's a son of Vulcan." The tatoo girl says the same moment I say "He's a son of Hephestus."

"Vulan? I dont even like Star Trek!" the Elf excliams.

"Okay." I say "Before we go any further in this interesting experiance I need to know, what the Hades are your names? Seriously I'm calling you nicknamesin my head!" I say stopping the current train of thought.

The girl with the feather pipes up. (See what I did there??) "I'm Piper, This is-"

The elf cuts her off "Leo Mcshizzle Valdez. single to all you ladies out there!" he winks.

Great, the kid is a perv I think.

Piper hits him on the side of the head. "Shut up Mr.Spok" she mutters to him.

The girl with the weird tatoo stats to speak. "I'm Reyna daughter of Bellona." he says almost as if she's in a trance.

"Did she just say Bellona?" Malcom asks momentarily recovering from mourning for his sister.

"Yeah I did. why?" Reyna asks.

"That's a Roman goddess with no Greek counterpoint. She's not a Greek demigod." He pales. "She needs to see Chiron now."

I nod to Malcom giving him permission to take her. they walk away quickly.

"Anyway...who's Vulcan?" Leo asks breaking the stunned sience.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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