Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 ~ Together Again



Mia's Point of View:

Zac parked his car in his usual parking space, for some reason no one really dared to park in his space. I guess people just liked him enough to just leave the space for him. Although Zac doesn't mind if someone did park in his space because someone did once and he just parked somewhere else. People were standing around waiting for him to get angry when he found out someone took his space, but he never did. At school it's usually "first in, first served" it's an idiom that's used if you don't know what it means. However it's pretty self explanatory, if you come first then you get the best parking space. Okay yes I'm being a nerd; I'll shut up now.

I looked out the window, I can see some students walking into school, and it was nearly time for class. There weren't many students out in the courtyard, which I was happy about. Because that means not many people will see us together and no one will spread rumors! Ha who am I kidding? It only takes one person to spread a rumor. I know I shouldn't be nervous but I am. If everyone see's me with Zac they would probably think I'm a charity case and he's only hanging out with me because he feels sorry for me. I know I sound like one of those girls who feel's sorry for themself and over exagerrates but I just can't help thinking.

"So you ready?" Zac looked at me taking his keys out of the ignition. I felt my stomach churn and my heart beat really fast.

"I don't know, yes?" I looked at my school bag sitting beside my leg. I wanted to grab it and run away from Zac as far as I can but I couldn't.

Zac laughed and got out of the car. Ugh great. We're really going to go to school together. This is it. To my death we go! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car. I saw some people looking at us, and they were clearly confused from their expression. But who can blame them? It's Mia, the nerd, getting out of Zac's 100,000 dollar car.

Zac walked around the car and put his shoulder around me. Okay this was not good, no way in hell was I walking in school with his arms around my shoulders. Last thing I need is people asking me if we were a couple!

"Okay no, no, no hands to yourself big boy," I pushed his arms away from me.

Zac looked at me raising his eye brows with that stupid little smirk. Okay maybe I shouldn't have called him big boy. It's kind of sounded wrong. "Big boy?" he asked. See I knew I shouldn't have asked him.

"Shut up, would you rather me call you lttle man?" he's face showed disgust. I laughed why is it that guys get so annoyed and disgusted when girls call them little. Who knows, but that better shut him up. 

Come on, lets just go," I didn't even look at him, and I began to walk to the front entrance. I heard him laugh behind me. Thank god he couldn't see me my face because I know my face was red all over from embarrassment. Big boy? Seriously Mia! I feel like slapping myself but then I would really look like a freak. Thank god I thought of that little man thing or I'll never hear the end of it. 

I opened the door and started to walk to my locker. I could see some people looking at me but I just ignored them like I always do. I felt someone place their arms around my shoulder.

"Zac didn't I tell you to keep your arm to yourself," I said trying to shove his arm away but he was too strong.

"Yeah and you also called me big boy," he winked at me. Stupid cute boy and his wink. Okay I'll admit it Zac is pretty cute when he winks. But I'm never going to tell him that. 

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