Chapter 42 - It Would Seem So

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Hey there, all you beautiful people.

It seems like I've finally decided to upload for you guys, huh? Well, seriously though, I'm sorry I took so long, hope you find it in your heart to forgive me!

Here's Chapter 42 (And yeah, the chapters may seem changed up and shortened--that's because I've been editting every chapter [I've cut 3 chapter out of the story and moved it into one or two.] There are no major changes, so you don't have to worry.)

So, I hope you enjoy, leave all your awesome comments below, and vote!



Jacob furrowed his eyebrows at me. “What…? You’re afraid of dogs…?” He asked in me in a tone that could only be described as disbelief. I was about to snap back at him when a massive wave of dizziness surged through me causing my knees to buckle.


The dirt seemed to rise and meet up with me, and before I knew it I was on the ground with Jacob’s blurred face over me. His mouth may have been moving, but I heard nothing. I furrowed my eyebrows at him anguish. “What…?” I tried to say, but the words stayed stuck in my throat.


 I pressed my elbows underneath me to try to get up, but as soon as I lifted my head the pain became much more than just present. I let out an anguish cry and let myself back down. Again, Jacob began talking but his words didn’t reach my ears at all, with a grimace I passed my hands through my hair before looking at my hands once again. They were covered in blood.


3rd POV


Slowly, Bella pushed the door close, quietly enough so she wouldn’t wake her father. Unfortunately, Charlie had already been awake, and walked right into the room.

“You know…” He began, “Edward could at least respect meal times…” He said.

Bella turned her eyes to the patterned floor. “I was just with Jake…” She responded. Charlie’s eyebrows raised, surprised.

“Oh,” He said mowing over words to reply to her news. “Good, that’s great…” It was more than good news to Charlie, he was surprised—shocked to even hear about this fact, finally it seemed as though his daughter would hang out with someone other than that Edward fellow.

Before Charlie could throw around a few more words, there was a knock at the door. His good mood now turned sour, he knew who it was.

“I’ll… give you two some privacy…” He stated blasé before walking out of the room with a slight shake of his head. It was just too good to be true.

Bella spared a small smile and turned to the door.

“Hey.” It was Edward.

“Do you understand how worried I’ve been?” Without a single warning or greeting, Edward pushed himself slightly into the house. His eyes were dark and over shadowed, a sign of the lack of eating.

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