Chapter 9

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I realized that I forgot to warn everyone that I normally put real life issues in my book/fanfics. I won't go into to much detail about it. I realize that it can trigger people. Enjoy!

Riker's POV

Rydel came home and went straight up stairs to put her stuff away. I could help but notice the look she gave me as I was setting the table. She came down stairs and started helping me with the table.

“You get the project done?” I asked, as she handed me the spaghetti.

“No, we are going to work on it tomorrow at lunch. Maybe after school.” she replied sitting down beside Ross.

“Dad, Mom.” Rocky said.

“Yes, Rocky.” our mom replied.

“Our friend Chelsea is now going to be preforming at the dance on Friday. Is it okay if she comes and practices with us?” he asked.

“I don't see why that would be a problem. Riker could you go get her after supper? While Rydel and Ryland do dishes and Ross and Rydel set up?” my dad asked.

“Could Rydel do that? Ross and I are faster at setting up.” I replied.

“That works. As long as the dishes get done. What time is Ratliff going to be here?” my mom asked.

“He said he would be here for supper, he was running a little late.” Rocky replied. The door bell rang after Rocky finished speaking. I got up and answered the door.

“Speak of the devil.” I said leading him to the kitchen. He sat down beside me.

“Sorry, I am late. I saw Kelly walking how with a huge duffel bag. I had to give her a ride.” he said apologizing to my mom and dad.

“She said her mom was suppose to come and get her.” Rydel replied.

“Apparently her mom said she couldn't.” Ratliff said taking a bite of food. We all kept eating in silence for a while and when we were about to put our dishes in the sink, our mom decided to open her damn mouth.

“Your father and I were talking the other day. We were wondering if you had heard anything from Lisa since she moved?”

“No!” all of my siblings said at once. They all seemed to answer a little to quickly. Ratliff and I exchanged glances.

“Really you all seemed so close. I mean she was only here for a year. I just wish we would have met her mom.” my dad said. “Oh, well. Rydel why don't you go get Chelsea.”

“Okay.” she replied setting her plate by the sink. She ran out the door and over next door.

Chelsea's POV

I finished eating my salad and went upstairs to change into rainbow skinny jeans, a white t-shirt that said I mustache you a question and black converse. I walked into my bathroom and pulled out twenty bracelets and put ten on each arm. I made sure my wrists were completely covered. I grabbed my guitar and headed downstairs, when the door bell rang.

“It's Rydel, I'll be back. What time do you want me home?” I asked.

“10:30. That should be plenty of time for you to get ready for bed.” she called out from the kitchen.

“Okay. I love you. Bye.” I called opening the door. I stepped out and smiled at Rydel.

“Feeling any better?” she asked.

“Yes. A lot better. Just need to keep my emotions aside. I'm not sure about that song though. I mean after you left I changed it.”

“Well let me see it.” she said smiling. I went into my guitar bag and handed her the song as we got to her front step.

BadBoy! Riker Lynch Love Story!*STILL EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now