THIRTEEN | Just Friends

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"What's going on between you and him!" Keith asked Deanna again hoping this time she will grant him with the truth. "If anything went down while we were broken up I understand." His pride would have to take the hit. He'd be hurt knowing after him she fell into the arms of another man but he could live with it. What he couldn't live with however was the unknown, even though where Dee and Trey were concerned there wasn't anything to know.

"I'm telling you Keith." Deanna placed her hands on both sides of his face forcing him to look into her eyes. "Trey and I are just friends. That's it nothing more! How many more times do I have to say that?"

Keith believed that yesterday after their morning run cleared his mind. He convinced himself that he was just jealous for no good reason and Jealousy isn't something a man like Keith is proud of admitting. Things with Deanna were going great so great that he even called his parents and told them it was time they met Deanna officially. But right now Keith wasn't so sure.

"That's not what Regina said!" Keith snapped reminding her about their little run in with her sister.


"Keith I can't." Deanna shook her head backing away from the glass counter. "It's too much!"

They were walking around in the mall hand to hand when Keith noticed Deanna trying to be discreet while looking at the jewelry store so he insisted on them going inside. Deanna looked at this necklace as if she was in love and because Keith loved her so much he wanted nothing more than for her to have it.

"Nothing is too much for my girl." He smiled facing the sales woman. "We'll take it." Work was looking up so this wasn't going to hurt his pockets too much.

Within no time they were walking out the store both Deanna and Keith had huge smiles plastered on their faces. The relationship was moving in the right direction and Keith didn't care who saw him with Deanna this time he wanted the world to see that he was hers and she was his. In Keith's eyes he was being a better boyfriend and she was losing a little weight. Things were looking good for both of them.

"Dee! Deanna is that you." A woman called after Deanna with both her hands filled with shopping bags.

Deanna tensed up obviously not happy to see this woman. "Uh hey Regina." her older sister was greeted in the dryest tone.

"What are you doing here?" Regina asked.

"Same as you Regina . Shopping." Deanna Rolled her eyes. "Keith this is my sister Regina. Gina this is my boyfriend Keith."

"Oh." Regina said with an evil smirk appearing on her face. "I didn't know any store's here carried your size. But hey the world is full of surprises like you having two eligible bachelors in such a short amount of time, First you show up to mama's house with Trey fine behind now I see you here with this sexy man I guess underestimated men and their fetish for fat girls."

Before Keith could even take offence to Regina talking down to Deanna the mention of her and Trey being together upset him. "I thought you said you and Trey were just friends." Keith turned toward Deanna. "Just friends before or after you introduced him to your family?" In that moment Keith was done with this and walked away from her.

"Keith it isn't what you think!" Deanna cried out following behind him . "Let me explain!"


The entire car ride back to his place Deanna "explained" giving him this story about how Trey was only pretending to be her boyfriend to get her family off her back.

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