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I'd Rather Dance With You - Kings of Convenience 


My eyes fluttered open to the rhythm of a low vibration.  I turn over slowly to see my phone being lit up with an incoming call. My eyes glance over the name before pressing answer. "Hello?" 

I clear out the morning phlegm that has seemingly found home in the base of my throat. My body feels sore all over. The jet leg slowly hitting my exhausted body. 

"I'm glad to hear you're alive. Thanks for calling and texting me," Jaz's sarcastic voice reprimands me. 

A small groan erupts from my chapped lips. I lick them before answering. "I'm sorry. Last night was weird and I'm tired."

A playful giggle sounds from the other line. "It's fine love. I just wanted to know if my best friend slash roommate was still alive. That's all." I can't help but roll my eyes at her, regardless of this being a phone conversation and that she cannot see me. 

"Well, I'm alive. Fucking tired, but alive." 

"Good to hear." She laughs lightly before sighing. "It's weird not having you here. All day today I was waiting for you to come out of the bedroom, groaning about how early it was, and then join me for breakfast at Brerins. I have thus concluded that this is going to be a very, very long christmas holiday. I think you should come home now!" 

"I miss you too, Jaz." I sigh once more. My body aches as I roll out of bed, my phone clasp tightly in my grip. I walk towards my dressing table, taking a quick glance at the mirror. I shudder at the ungodly sight before me. I need a shower. 

"Have you talked to Chase since you've gotten in?" 

"Yeah, I uh - texted him quickly last night." I run a brush through my curls while balancing my phone on my shoulder. 

"He misses you already," she giggles softly. "It's rather cute. The boy is absolutely enamored by you." 

I stay silent. The guilt of my unrequited feelings burning in my chest. This strong desire to admit my feelings about Chase and our relationship suddenly grew inside of me. I wanted to tell Jaz how I was feeling and get her opinion on the matter. I wanted to tell her about the kiss that I shared with Harry. I wanted to tell her how I felt about him and how I felt like he may possibly feel the same way about me, as crazy as that may sound. 

"Yeah," I lamely reply. 

"This is going to be super forward, but does he love you?" 

I remain silent for a moment before replying. "Yeah, he does." 

She squeals in excitement. "Oh my goodness. That is just so cute. He's such a great guy! He is wealthy too. Plus, he is absolutely gorgeous. If I wasn't with Ben, I'd be all over Chase." She jokes. "You totally love him back, right?" 

Silence overtakes our conversation. Words begin to jumble up inside my head. I begin to scavenge around for the right words to say. "Um, no." 

"Wait, what?" The surprise tone of her voice doesn't take me off guard. In her mind, Chase and I were the power couple that would get married and have cute babies. 

"I didn't. I don't love him. I didn't say it back." Once the words left my lips, I suddenly felt like the biggest bitch. I was clearly leading him on. 

"Oh. Wow. Why?" 

Maybe because I have feelings for another guy. If I didn't sound like a bitch before, that sentence alone surely made me sound like one. Why was love and relationships so difficult? This was why I never was in one before. The complications that came with a relationship was not worth it. 

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