Intro ~

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-Serena’s POV-

Serena walked quickly trying subtly to catch up to the brown-haired boy in front of her. When he glanced behind his shoulder directly at her she tried to appear casual but her heart was thudding in her chest. The thought that the boy she had been crushing on for so long had looked at her with his adorable brown eyes had her mind racing with possibilities.

She didn’t know much about him, except that he was always listening to his Ipod and had overheard his friends calling him Liam. It was a perfect name for what she thought of as the perfect boy.

Then she was snapped back to reality and reminded herself glumly that nothing would ever happen as he had no idea who she was. Serena had tried everything to catch the attention of the stranger she saw everyday on the train, ‘accidentally’ bumping into him, dropping things in the hope he would pick them up and talk to her even going door-to-door about a lost dog which didn’t even exist. Her plans always backfired, with him moving out of the way just in time, someone else handing her belongings back or his mum answering the door.

Her friends finally convinced her to give up and focus on boys she knew in real life and a part of her knew they were right. So why couldn’t she stop picturing his laugh and gorgeous smile? 

Just One Look - Liam Payne / One Direction fanfic :)Where stories live. Discover now