Marked with the Love of a Wolf

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Hi guys! Okay this is my first story so tell me what you think. i hope you all like it.


"Mommy what is a mate?"

"A mate is someone who is there to help you when you first shift. He is you other half. He completes you. He is the one who holds the key to your heart."

"Is daddy your mate?"

My mother smiled at me, "Yes sweetheart we are mates." She kissed me on the head and said good night. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

*Flashback Ends*

"Miss. Davidson"

"Morg" I heard Ash say and I snapped out of it.

"Yes, Mrs. G?"

"I asked you to tell everyone what a mate is?"

"Well, I think everyone knows what a mate is but a mate is someone who is there to help you when you first shift. He is your other half. He completes you. He is the one who holds the key to your heart." I said smiling at the words my mother told me when I was four.

"Very good and yes I think everyone knows what a mate is but anyway when you girls discovers who your mate is you will find that you know what they feel, their likes, and their dislikes. You will have a bond with him an unbreakable bond."

"Mrs. G I would have to disagree with you there." Ash said next to me

"Why so?"

"Well the bond between mates can and has been broken before."

"Yes you are right Ashling. The bond has been broken before but I haven't heard of it being broken recently."

Ash just nodded in agreement.

"Well I will see you all to night if I don't I will see you Monday. Class is dismissed."I gather my things and headed for the parking lot. TGIF (Thank god it's Friday)

"So are you coming to the bonfire tonight?" Ash asked

"I don't know. I don't want to leave my dad by himself."

"Oh well he can come too some of the elders are going to be there and some of my parents friends."

"May be I'll see if he's up for it and let you know."

"Okay text me later."

"Kay see you." I said

I want to go but dad hasn't been feeling good lately. Two years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. He got over it, then it came back, got over it, and now it came back. Ugh! I hate that those stupid doctors can't cure it. Why did it have to be this way? What did my father do to deserve this? We lost my mom ten years ago and losing a mate is like losing half of you. I lost my mom and my dad lost his soul mate. My eyes started to water thinking of how happy he was when she was still here. Now he just sits there and does nothing. Eighteen years old and I am worried about my forty year old father.

I pulled in the driveway and parked my Volvo c30 (Edward Cullen's car from Twilight). When I got in the house I paid Ruby, the nurse that takes care of him when I am at school.

"How is he today?"

"Same old, he just sits, reads, looks at the photo albums, and watches TV. He is lifeless." She said in a hurt voice Ruby is part of the pack and went to school with my mother.

"Sweetie I think the only thing that keeps him going is knowing that your mother would have wanted him to stay and take care of you."

"I think you're right too" I said honestly, I always knew that.

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