The Ball

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The Ball

That night, even if I tried, I couldn't fall asleep for I was too intrigued by what Aiden said. Something about the way he looked into my eyes tells me that he was serious, something that I don't really see in him. I keep telling myself that maybe it's just his usual schemes, his usual playful and annoying self but a feeling in my gut tells me that there is more. Stacks and stacks of questions began to form in my head; what if he finally realized that it's me?

"Why did I took this job in the first place?" grunting exasperatedly, I buried my face on my pillow as I thought about how complicated my life is. That's right, I took this job because I wanted take revenge, I wanted to see how pathetic he is falling all over me like a love sick puppy but sadly I failed miserably. I can't even stand being in the same place as him for more than a second, I blush whenever I see his smiling face.

Abruptly, I sat up and slap my forehead angrily. Why am I realizing this now? I was a pathetic, naive fifteen year old girl who doesn't know half of the things of being in a relationship, why am I so obsessed on ruining my ex boyfriend? It's like the saying says 'there are plenty of fish in the sea'. Oh, who am I kidding? I was madly in love, and what's worst he was my first love. You know what I wish for; I wish that he just dumped me in the first place instead of seeing him cheat on me.

It was now eleven in the evening and I fell into a deep slumber with a frown on my face. I am not thrilled on going to that ball.

The sun was almost at its peak, the morning came too soon for my liking. Groggily I did my morning routine, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, etcetera. Since I am human who gets tired and can't work twenty-for-seven Mr. Cade insisted for me to take a break. I was thankful because I desperately needed time to think and have my peace and quiet. Worrying about Aiden bursting in my room was out of the question, this morning I was informed that he was taking his father's place in the office for the day. Yup, it's just me in this big mansion with no one to disturb me.

The silence sounds so foreign to my ears, it was agitating.

Not loving the awkward moment I decided to call my aunt from Korea, I grabbed my phone and dialed her number adding a security code for safety purposes.

"Ellie" my mood instantly lit up as soon as I heard my aunt's voice.

I grinned and jumped on my bed "Hey, Aunt Harriet" I started, "How are you doing?" I asked.

"You know, busy as usual. How about you?"

Biting my lip, I thought about what I'm going to say "Good, you know with my mission and all" No, I would sound pathetic if I told her.

"Speaking of mission, I was going to call you about that" the tone of her voice got serious, less melodic "It's Jason"

I paused "by Jason, you mean"


My heart beat uncomfortably, I haven't of that name in a while. After our troublesome encounter in Miami not once he did any sort of move. You'd expect me to sigh in relief but when the enemy is silent, it means that I need to be more alert. Who knows he might be plotting his next move right now.

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