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The music fits the funeral part so much! Also featuring another cross-over :O

It was raining hard and still the turn out for the funeral was astonishing as Wallace ascended the pire that would be the final rest place of both of his former mentors. As he looked out amongst the ranks of the Saints he still couldn't believe just how many had come to attend such an event. Their numbers were too great for the funeral hall so they'd moved the services out to the central court yard of Aeria which was the biggest area anyone could think off and still their ranks spilled out into the streets. There were so many of them that he'd decided to use his necklace to create dozens of enormous balls of light which dispersed across the see of humanity that'd gathered before him so that they could all see what was happening.

Wallace turned to look at his mentors faces streaming tears of rain as he turned to them his golden hair plastered to his face. His face was still covered in cuts and bruises that he refused to allow a witch treat because he wanted these wounds to remain a part of him for as long as possible. They were to serve as a reminder of his failure to believe the words of his mentors when they came to him with news of Stark Constantine, and his failure to reach one when he'd gone to face the vampire alone. He would wear them for as long as possible to show his shame in the fact that he was unable to protect them as did all the survivors of the Siege, not because they were made to but because they chose to.

His eyes swept across the front row of Saints which he'd reserved for the survivors and the special guests. He was atonished when he recieved word of the arrival of ten Elven Knights and thirty Dark Elf Shinobi including the exile Rex who had been with them on the island. But the big surprise was the arrival of the Dark elf monarchy, the two leaders of the eastern most faction along with their son and three daughters. They were the equivilant to a royal family in the world of the dark elves and they had come to bear witness to the burning of these two Saint Shields, the two original Guardians. It was amazing to see just how far the news of the Proctors' deaths reached and who t touched. Wallace couldn't help but feel as if he were the wrong one to speak this day but as the leader of the Saint Shield faction it was his duty and he would carry it out.

"What is there to say?" He began his voice echoing as his image appeared in the several balls of light that he'd spread throughout the crowd. He took a deep breath and repeated his question before expanding. "What is there to say, what can I say about Matthew and Marion Proctor that we don't already know? They were the apitomy of what a Saint Shield should be. From the day they took their oaths to the time of their deaths they aspired to change this world for the better."

"Marion saught to see this world united," Wallace went on doing his best to keep his voice steady as he spoke of the old woman but failed to keep the tears from falling. "She wished to live to see a world in which there were no more factions, a world where human and Being could live side by side not as enemies, but as a family. That was just her way. During her time as an active Saint it was said that she did not love the taking of a life even if so doing meant defending herself. She believed that all Beings could learn to live beside us in harmony."

Taking a deep breath Wallace went on. "Matthew was a hard man not without love, he shared his wife's wish to see a united world. Though he had a very differeant way of doing it." Wallace looked down at the front row at the two newest Saint Shields to have arisen to the rank. Jake and Lance stood side by side looking up at him though it was impossible to tell whether they were crying or not. "He believed that in the partnering of human and Being could forge such a world and he was right. I've seen the result of such a pairing and I will no longer stand a skeptic to his ideals, it is best to have them live together rather than thrust them together later in life."

"Above all however, they were parents." Wallace said his voice cracking slightly as he continued. "They were the best parents a child could ask for despite their hardned exteriors. The love in which they shared with their students was unimaginable, not because it was nonexitant, but because of how much their was between them. Nothing hurts more than the loss of a parent, except maybe the thought of losing a child and they both did everything they could to protect their sons. And it is because of this love I am hereby abolishing the law that prevents any and all Saint Shields from having families. There is no reason that the love that existed between the Proctors and their students should be unique only to them."

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