Trigger Happy //17

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This chapter is dedicated to ulove7810

"Who are you?" I asked the stranger deemed 'Cas'.

"Dean just went over this... I am Castiel"

The stranger answered with his eyebrows drawn together.

"No... I mean, what are you?"

"Well, I'm an angel of the Lord, of course."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Right and I'm the pope, seriously guys where did you find this crackpot?"

When I noticed their serious faces, I sobered.

" guys actually believe this clown?"

The guy frowned.

"Oh ye of little faith." the angel muttered, then proceeded to open his arms.

A moment later, large black wings fell behind him, wings that could almost be mistaken as a shadow. Almost.

"Woah " I gaped in awe.

"Do you believe me now?" The slight annoyed voice of the angel asked.

"Uhh" I muttered, not sure what else to say.

By now my head was splitting, finding out huge things one after another tends to things to a person's head.

Before I knew it, two fingers were pressed against my forehead and I felt myself fall and black out, the pressures of the day removed from my head.


The Winchesters watched as Dana collapsed on the couch.

"What the hell Cas?!" Dean yelled, as Sam rushed to Dana's side.

The angel turned to Dean, confusion clear in his eyes.

"What?" The angel responded.

"You can't just knock people out when you feel like it."

"I needed to talk to the two of you in private" Castiel defended. Oblivious as to what was wrong with what he did.

"So you just knocked her out? We could've just talked in another room." Sam said, checking to see if Castiel did any damage to Dana.

"It was easier this way" Castiel replied.

"That's not the point, Cas." Dean argued.

"I don't care what the point is, I can sense a dark presence in her." Castiel said.

The brothers stilled.

Castiel then turned to Dean, staring at him pointedly.

"What are you not telling me Dean?"

"What? pssh, Castiel, your demon radar must be broken. Dana's harmless. Well when she's not kicking demon ass that is." Dean said, laughing off Castiel's observation. Trying to dissuade his thinking as well as make light of the topic.

Dean wasn't sure what Castiel would do if he knew about Dana's situation and he certainly wasn't about to risk it.

Castiel looked at Sam to confirm. Sam nodded mutely with a tight-lipped smile.

The angel accepted it smiled grimly.

"I trust that the two of you would not lead me astray."

The Winchesters shared a knowing look.


So I know it's been a while, I apologise. it's really no excuse but this was a difficult chapter for me to write and I'm still not happy with it. Castiel is a simple yet at the same time, complex character, it's hard to do him justice. Let me know what you think, especially with how I portrayed Castiel. I'm open to constructive criticism.

please make sure to comment, vote, follow, add to library etc if you are enjoying the story, or even if you don't :P

Feel free to point out any mistakes. And as always, the next chapter will be dedicated to most enthusiastic comment :)

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