Chapter 15 - Pick Up

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A/N: Hey Guys,

Sorry for the long wait, been kinda busy. Enjoy xx


Chapter 15 -

Five hours later the doorbell rang again making my heart skip a beat. I looked into the mirror in the hallway quickly to check my makeup and hair which Caitlyn had worked her magic on. I opened the door and to my disappointment, my mum was standing there holding Sarah’s hand with Jaden standing behind her.

“Hey mum” I said blankly holding the door open wider for them to walk in.

“Did Justin stand you up?” said Sarah sadly.

“What? No, do you even know what that means?” I said slightly shocked.

“Jaden said it” she said innocently shrugging her shoulders. I rolled my eyes and walked her over to the living room and put ‘In The Night Garden’ on for her. I sat down next to my little sister, not bothered to wait for Justin at the door anymore, my feet had started to hurt slightly, but then I had been standing there for half an hour when he was meant to be here in fifteen minutes.

Half an hour later I started thinking Justin might have really stood me up. I slumped down deeper into the sofa with Sarah half asleep in my arms. I heard the doorbell ring again but didn’t bother to go get it, probably the lady from Avon, she usually came around this time.

Justin walked into the living room scaring the life out of me.

“Justin!” I exclaimed shocked he caught me laying on the sofa with my dress pulled halfway up my thighs. I jumped up suddenly really self-conscious pulling it back down.

“Hey Lava” he grinned amused.

“Hey” I mumbled blushing scarlet.

“You ready?”

“Yeah, just a second” I said walking the mirror and fixing my hair. I decided my makeup looked acceptable although if he wasn’t here I would’ve been re-applying the mascara and lipgloss. I slipped into my sandals and turned to get my bag from the sofa. Justin was already handing it over to me smiling.

“Thanks” I said taking it off him. He motioned for me to walk in front of him.

Sarah suddenly woke up and realized her so called future husband was right in her living room. She started screaming and hugging his legs not wanting to let go. I stood there in disbelief and shock at what she was doing. I was just about to yank her off him but Justin was just so sweet to her, he bent down and tried to calm her down.

“Can I have your autogwaphs?” she asked sweetly handing him a piece of paper and a gel pen for him to use and sign.

“Sure” he said taking the pen and scribbling his autograph quickly before handing it back to her.

“My friends?” Sarah added extra sweetly now handing him a huge wad of paper. Justin’s eyes widened slightly in surprise but laughed and took the pile.

“How about I take this with me and give them to your sister to hand back to you later, yeah?” he asked ruffling her hair a bit. She nodded over-excited and ran up the stairs snatching the one he had just done. Whoa! He has patience man, I thought surprised at the fact he hadn’t gotten annoyed and Sarah hadn’t flipped out on him when he messed up her hair.

“Sorry about that” I whispered helping him up.

“That’s okay, she’s really sweet” he said.

“She acts innocent, believe me she’s not” I told him getting my cardigan off the coat rack. My mum came out of the kitchen to lecture me about not coming home too late. Justin reassured her he’d have me back home early. We walked out and waved my mum goodbye as she closed the front door although I caught her peeping behind the curtains. I waved to her to let her know I knew she was watching and she hastily pulled the curtains together. I laughed to myself slightly as Justin walked me down the pavement.

I wonder what car he drives, I thought to myself.

“Miss Swift, your carriage awaits” he joked opening the door to a sleek, black Range Rover.

“Cool ride” I said grinning. He shrugged in response grinning back and closing the door as I got in. He got in himself and put the key in the ignition to start the car. He turned to face me smiling as he offered me a single rose.

We leaned over to kiss before sitting back down, me blushing a light pink, Justin smiling more than ever. He switched the radio on to Capital FM and the car came to life as he turned the key and started driving. I stared down at the rose in my hands, tonight is going to be perfect, I thought.

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