Chapter 1- Moving

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*I would like to dedicate this to MorbidCupcake, because of the amazingly awesome cover photo she made me. Thank you so much, your fellow Cupcake. (:

No one knows why people do things, or why the most horrible memories don't go away. All I knew, was we were getting away from it all. Moving from California, to Maine. All the way across the US, 4,000 miles apart. I was gonna be safe, finally. 

The moving van stopped infront of a large, white house. The windows were plain, the door was plain and the garden was empty. It looked mearly abandoned, but my Aunt Jenn was overjoyed when we stopped. I on the other hand, had my headphones in, blasting as loud as I could. A Day to Remember- All Signs Point to Lauderdale. From what I could tell, I couldn't hear anybody. And I loved it that way. My Aunt Jenn slamned the palm of her hand into my chest, obviously trying to wake me up. She plucked my headphones out, "We are here Lily! Home sweet Maine." She had a smile on her face, that annoyed me every second. 

Well Aunt Jenn was the type of Aunt thats known you, your entire life. Was there for your birthdays, never married. No kids, and nothing. Not even a dog or cat. But she absolutely adored her neices and nephews. But she was technically my legal guardian, so I can't complain. Shes not that bad, half the time. 

"Lily!" I zoned back into the earth world, and climbed out of the van. My black converse hitting the grass with a thud. My short figure, atleast 5'4, was supported by these thin anorexic legs. Which held up my thin, body, arms, and head. I was wearing a pair of black leggings, that hugged my body in all the right places. Along with a long white sweater, with a Bring Me The Horizon logo printed on the front. My long blue hair strecthed down to my upper stomach, and was braided on the side softly. With a black and grey knitted beanie holding the flyaways down.

The moving guy, creepiest fucker you've ever seen. Handed me my two suitcases, while I marched into the house. The rest of the guys carrying in furniture. 

I managed to find my room, it was painted a light purple lilac color, and had nothing else on the walls. My bed was already in my room, and I found my bag with my sheets and comforter. I made my bed, and then found my box and began hanging my posters and drawings. 

By the time I was finished, there were black christmas lights hanging from the corners of the ceiling. My bed was made, and there was barely any purple on the wall to see through all my posters. My laptop was playing music and had my tumblr page opened in the back. 

All the furniture was in the house by 10:00p.m, and Aunt Jenn already had the TV and everything else put up the way she liked it. Then she was off to get groceries, at 10 at night. I managed to get a shower, and do my hair once again. It was about 12:30, and I was laying in my room. The music blasting from my laptop.

I sat in my room, as I palyed on my computer. The loud noise of a Mustang GTE pulling into the drviveway next to me. My eyes caught the figure of a guy, or a person. More or less.  I couldn't help myself, but to look. So I peeked out from my curtain, and there was a guy definitely, and another guy and another and another. Holy shit. There were four, attractive, muscular, and definetly intimidating men standing outside my house. Actually outside my neighbors house, whoever that was. Then my Aunt Jenn came home, pulling her tiny car into the driveway. Getting ALL of their attention. But one, looked directly at me. I panicked okay, I fell backwards, letting out a squeel.

-So what'd ya'll think? Pretty bad, I know. Haha, next chapter out tomorrow or tonight.-

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