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You stood in the hallway leaning against the lockers admiring your crush.

His locker was a few down from yours which you like because you got to see him mostly everyday.

His figure walked to his locker as you stared in awe.

Purple Tshirt on with the sleeves folded, jean jacket without the sleeves, skinnys, and some white supras.

His blonde hair swept up into a quiff, showing his brown roots.

You licked your bottom lip as you watched him take his books out and close the door.

For once, you two made eye contact.

You could feel your heart stop, his blue eyes taking your breath away.

He was just so beautiful.

You two stayed looking at eachother until he finally blinked.

He smiled at you and walked away to his class.

You felt butterflies in your stomach, from what had just occurred.

Later on today, you knew you had to make an effort to talk to him.


Monday update (: Yaaay.

I'm going to make a YouTube channel, would anyone like to watch my videos :p

Comment below on what I should do in my videos (:

If I like yours, you will get a shoutout 💕


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