Chapter 24~In The End~

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OH MY GOSH! I hope you don’t hate me, but I don’t blame you if you do. 8 months is WAYYYYYYY TOOOO LONG!!! BUT! I’ll tell you why it took so long at the end, and you’re gonna laugh at how stupid I am when you find out aha. So enjoy! And p.s.-I think you guys already know this, but (Ry is Ryan Good) and (Ryan is Ryan Butler), just so you know the difference :) Ok now you can go and read :D


                                          (Justin’s POV)

The moment I saw the deadly look in Bernard’s eyes, I took Sarah’s hand and ran. The others followed after me, screaming at me to run faster. Sarah looked at me with a scared expression and I squeezed her hand.

“We’re going to be ok, I promise. Don’t worry” I said, still running at her side. She nodded her head and grumbled.

“This stupid dress is getting in my way and I don’t have my hunting knives” Sarah groaned, holding her dress with her free hand. Erin ran up on the side of us and briefly smiled.

“Don’t worry, Sarah-Beara.  I picked up your bag when you went missing, since Bernard was too dumb to take your stuff with him when he kidnapped you” She replied, yelling the last couple parts so Bernard could hear her. I turned just a little to see the others catching up with us and they were all screaming. Why are they screaming?

“RUN FASTER! THEY’RE COMING!” Cerina screamed. I looked back again to see Bernard running with all of the kitchen staff and the maids running with him. And they had weapons. Thank goodness that they were a few meters behind us.

“Yeah, we need to run just a little faster” I said, pulling Sarah just a little faster than before. We all finally got to the end of the hallway and we made a sharp left turn. The first thing we came to was the big stained glass window and the remains of Sterling’s mangled body. Christian and Ariel ran to the door to see if it was unlocked and, of course, it wasn’t.

“We have to jump through” Christian yelled.

“What?! But what if we don’t make it through? We’re gonna die!” Chaz yelled. Erin grabbed his hand and ran back up to Sarah. She grabbed her hand and looked at all of us.

“We’re gonna make it. Together” She said. I looked behind me to see all of the others still running behind us with Bernard in tow.

“On the count of three, we all run, ok?” Sarah yelled. We all nodded, trying to jump around to gain momentum.

“One” I was still looking behind me, watching Kenny grab Ry Good’s hand and Ry grab Jessica’s. We were all forming three rows of four or five people, to make sure we had enough force.

“Two!” Oh Lord, please let us make it through.

“THREE!” We all ran at full speed toward the window, letting our battlecry rip through the giant manor.  Making it to the window, I put my head down and quickly prayed. I finally heard the glass shattering and my feet hitting the dead flowers in the back land. I looked around to see tombstones left and right, everything that should be alive wasn’t.

“Oh my gosh” I heard Kallie whisper.

“It’s really scary, yes. But we need to start running before it gets even scarier” Sarah said, pointing behind her. We all look and saw Bernard catching up. Running was never one of my favorite activities, but tonight, it was the only thing I could do. We ran as fast as we could, passing graves and bones all the way to the edge of the woods. We ran along the border of the trees, trying to find a lit way out. I saw a couple of lamps ahead and I pointed them out.

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