The Tears Don't Stop When You Want Them Too

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Alright guys! How many of you are glad to see an update!!! Yay! I'll be doing a huge huge shoutout for all the people who COMMENTED for this whole story. I love your votes, but right now I'm looking at the comments! So please if a shoutout seems cool to you and you want other people to see your username, comment! Alright guys.... Here's to the writing!!

I reread what Caleb has wrote over and over again. I'm alone. My parents are dead and my brother will never return.

I'm truly alone.

For the first time in a while I let myself truly cry. My lips start to shake and tears build up quickly in my eyes and continue to flow fast. At first, I bent over trying to hold it in but it hurt too much and I let out a little noise I tried to hard to keep in.

Then I break down. For my parents, for my brother, for the situation with Four, and for everything messed up in this world. Sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is.

They always do to think positively and smile when your sad, but how can you smile when your dying on the inside?

The answer: you can't. Your heart overpowers your brain and you can't think straight. You feel so broken.

And since my heart overpowers my brain and I can't think straight I do something so utterly stupid.

I call Four.

He arrives ten minutes later after I call. He rings the doorbell four times and I don't answer. I stay on the couch just drowning in depression. He site next to me and rubs my knee.

"Pretty bad?" He asks. I nod, not trusting myself with words. "Tris talk to me. I can help you. I know what it like to feel depressed."

"What is real depression like? Just so I'm prepared?" I ask him quietly.

"It's like drowning. Except you can see everyone around you breathing."

I sit quietly. That's exactly how I feel. My life is so messed up bit it seems like everyone else is doing just fine.

"I'm so weak," I sigh.

"How are you weak?" Four questions.

"I just sit here crying and being depressed. I can't even toughen up."

"Tris you have it all wrong," Four says. "Crying doesn't indicate that your weak. Since birth it has always been a sign that your alive."


Hey guys! What's up?! Long time no talk! Guess what? I just got braces. Yay life.

Cool thing to know of the day: Comment if you have braces!!

Sorry for the short chapter. Just a quick update for you. I was trying for you to see her feelings.

Please please comment and vote! Also, who wants to be my friend! Follow me!

Remember, big shoutout is next chapter so comment comment comment!!!

Shine on!

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