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          It was 17 years ago on a cold winter night. She broke all three basic laws and would need to run to escape the wrath of the king. The council would never forgive what she had done and she would have to spend eternity banished from everything she had ever known.

        On this particular night she cradled a bundle of blankets in her arms holding it close to her. Inside the bundle came the small fragile noise of an infant crying. Words of whispering comfort came from her mouth as she tried very desperately to keep the infant quiet. She couldn't let anyone discover her whereabouts as she tried frantically to stay one step ahead of him. She pulled the baby closer to her, running rapidly through the crunchy snow.

        Freezing cold, her teeth chattered hard and her whole body shivered. Her fingers turned a light shade of cerulean, and her lips a soft lilac. The snow was falling swiftly from the dreary dark sky. The moon was full, but hidden between the dark gray clouds. As she ran through the night her feet crunched with every step she took upon the fresh snow. Although she was leaving small footprints, she whispered a spell to make them disappear almost as instantly as they had come, to prevent her from being followed. A small breeze picked up and whistled through her long blonde hair as she cuddled the bundle closer. The infant had finally fallen asleep in her arms as she ran swiftly and calmly. A faint stern voice was heard as he shouted after her.

        "Bresais!" he bellowed into the night. "I will find you if it's the last thing I do! That child will never live!"

        Tears streamed down her face as she continued to run. Her chest burned with every breath that she took. She knew that if she stopped her father would stop at nothing to murder his own granddaughter, without any hesitation or thought to it. It was troubling to her knowing she was no longer accepted by her father. The only one that cared for her now was her sister Anastasia, who was to meet her at the edge of the woods to smuggle her out of the country unnoticed. She was a princess forced from her own kingdom. Fear crept in as worry and doubt swept through her mind. Bresais questioned her motives giving her baby away, but knew it was the only way her daughter would survive. She was the heir, the savior and Bresais was going to make sure she did everything she could to smuggle her baby out safely.  She finally reached the end of the woodland where her sister Anastasia waited for her.

        "Anastasia?" she whispered.

        "I am here Bresais." She answered in the dark. The branches were forced apart as Anastasia made her way into the clearing. "I will take her for you and place her somewhere safe in the mortal realm. You need to flee and go somewhere that you will remain undetected. I will watch over her until the time comes. You must stay as far away from her as possible, because if you are found, both of you will be destroyed. Do you understand me? Daddy will be looking for you, so please make this count."

        "I understand." she spoke softly. "Thank you."

        Bresais reluctantly handed over the still infant asleep in her bundle. She kissed her forehead delicately and looked over her before letting go. She looked at her sister with tender filled eyes. Anastasia knew then it was okay to take the baby even though it would break her sister's heart.

        "Don't worry." Anastasia said with a reassuing tone. "She will be safe with me. I won't let any harm come to her. I promise."

        "Thank you my sister. I knew I could trust you with everything. Please be careful and I will see you soon in the near future."

        There was an a aura of light as Anastasia disappeared into the night. Footsteps approached as Bresais vanished. A large bulky figure stepped into the clearing and looked around. The man bent down and picked up some of the dirt and snow of the ground and smelled it. A growl escaped his lips and he cursed. He threw the snow back down to the ground and stood up.

        "I will find you Bresais, mark my words. You and that child will be gone." The man glared muttering under his breath.

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