Phase Seven: The Radiation Effect

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Author's note:  I suppose to post this last sunday but I didn't have time to finish the story because of certain information about this story that I need to obtain first before finishing this.

So, you thought the drama was on the last chapter? Think again. :)

Warning: Boxes of tissues please. We all need it. It's a filler chapter. So, yeah. There will be like what three more phases or four more then the epilogue. 

Here it is, I hope you don't hate me that much. :(

Much love


Ps. The Special chapter will be posted before the story's epilogue also read the author's note in the end please!


"Breaking news: Mr. Zayn Malik was reported missing last Saturday in the afternoon when he was last seen on the airport riding a car on the way home without the sign of his fiance Niall Horan on his side. The police report said that his car was found near their apartment complex but left open with several items being on the road just beside the car. As the witness Mr. Kang said that Zayn was burtally man handled by two unknown man and brought him inside the Van. The police are futher investigating and now the Horan Family pleads for help also Mr. Niall Horan outed a million dollar bounty for the two unknown man. We will see to this case further after a few days."

Sunday, Evening  (Rio De Janeiro)

"What have you done?!" Voxta shouted as Niall sat on the side of the bed half naked. Rafael was long gone and was sent by Niall back to the mainland. His head was in his hands as he stared at the floor.

"Do you know what will be the effect of this on Bobby?!" Voxta shouted and that made something in Niall snapped.

"I know Voxta, I fucking know okay? I know that he was suffering enough, I know I was a burden enough but I'm supposed to be happy right now but I'm not because whatever I do to myself. I'M IN LOVE WITH ZAYN AND I MISS MY DAD OKAY?! I FUCKING MISS HIM!" Niall screamed as he fell down on the bed again with sobs echoing on the wall. Voxta looked down and let her own tears fall because she never expect this, finally someone tamed the wild Niall and bring out the Niall they knew. The Niall before the accident.

"He misses you too that's why he was doing this but Niall, why are you doing this with Zayn?" Voxta asked as she carefully sat down beside rubbing his back as Niall continue to cry.

"I don't know. I'm used to this pushing people away because all I wanted was mom. She was supposed to go home and she promise she won't leave me." Niall whimpered as Voxta dragged her towards her and hugged him. Niall laid his head against Voxta's shoulder as he cries.

"But Niall, the both of us know Maura doesn't want this. She wants you to be Happy and to learn to be strong. Do you know before she left our house she told me that she wanted to see you happy someday even though she's not around. She wants you to learn to be strong and now she's gone. Ni, you need to be strong. You need to open your heart in order to do that." Voxta said as Niall continue to cry. Suddenly, Blake barged in the room looking frantic.

"What is it Blake?" Niall asked as he wiped the tears in his eyes.

"Sir, Mr. Malik left." Blake said as Niall's eyes widen and suddenly he bolted up towards the cabin.

"What do you mean he left?!" Voxta screeched as Niall continue to ran, he went all the way and by the time he opened Zayn's bedroom. He stopped on his tracks as he stared at the condition of the room. It was wrecked , it looked like a storm came inside the room all over again. He walked towards the closet and flung it open. Zayn's things were gone. Niall sat on the bed as he stared around the room. Suddenly his eyes caught a certain canvas that was upside down. He walked towards it carefully crouched down and turned it around.

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