Believe Me ON HOLD

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*** Hiya! This Is My First Story So Forgive Me. . . Hope you like it.

Comment and Shiz ^.^ I hope you enjoy. Tell me should i continue or . . . please don't be harsh but i would love some feedback.

Enjoy <3

Chapter 1

Rylan's P.O.V.

“Believe me,” Katie whispered in my ear as I sat down for my second day in this new meeting group, “He’s not as bad as he looks.”

Margaret, whom I met not five minutes ago and decided really didn’t like me, said “He’s worse.” Gulp. I hurried to sit down closer to the door away from the menacing creature. His beady eyes stared at me through thin glass.

Katie goes, “Ewww, why is he so slimy looking.”

A guy in the next seat to her left says, “It’s because he is a reptile!”, quite matter of factly while pushing his glasses up with a finality. This, in turn, leads to me ,Katie ,and Margaret in to uncontrollable laughter.

“Calm down!” bellows Dr. Wolaters from his seat across the room.

“I don’t understand your fear of a little thing like Herby,” Margaret says pointing toward the frog sitting next to the doctor. “He can do no harm in there.”

“Knock on wood!” yells Katie again attracting attention.

“Ladies must we start this session or shall we wait until you are through criticizing the poor creature?” with a raised eyebrow he gestures to the other three people in our anger management counseling group like he is honestly waiting for an answer.

Not being able to resist I reply, “Wait!” One finger raised, “I think I should warn you abou-”

“Sorry, sorry.” says a hottie racing through the door. Bowing dramatically he says, “I have arrived.”

Thoroughly taking the attention away from me I silently thank the stranger, that is until he sits directly to my left. The chairs are set in a circle and I purposely waited for everyone to file in, in order to avoid close contact. “Guess you couldn’t take the hint.” I mumble barely above being soundless.

“What?” mystery man practically yells in my ear.

Always being one to be in control of my expressions and vulnerabilities I simply turned and stared quietly. Inside my heart was pounding. Goddess.

“I didn’t quite catch that.” he says extending a hand. By his smirk I’m not quite sure I believe him. “Lorenzo McLian.” He states as we shake hands.

“Nice to meet you.” I deliberately try not to answer but he continues to hold my hand, waiting. “Rylan.” Before he can continue that penetrating stare, a stress relief ball flies past his head straight at my cheek. Why we had them, I don't know but Friggin A' that kind of hurt.

“Dios Mio.” Rubbing my face I glare past Lorenzo at Margaret.

“Oh. My. God” whispers Margaret grinning hysterically. “You should see your face!”

Seeing red, I almost jump out of my seat and smack her. Before I can though, Lorenzo turns around thoroughly mad. “What the hell, man?”

“I said I was sorry, bro.” she looks absolutely stunned, either with the look I know dominates my face, what she’s done, or Lorenzo, I can’t tell. That’s when it hits me. They’re brother and sister, ugh; it only took me forever to figure out. Knowing I might turn this into a bad situation I collect my things, shove them into my bag, and book it out of there.

I’ve been known to get a little rough. Some call it anger issues, these people in particular, but I call it my inner-Irish. If I hadn’t gotten out of there I am absolutely positive Margaret would be on the floor a lot worse for wear. It’s not arrogance, I just have no doubts in my abilities. That’s why I run across the hall, out a side door, and into the parking lot, searching for my car.

-Lorenzo's P.O.V. 

“What the hell, man.” Glaring at my sister, I can’t believe she just did that.

“I said I was sorry, bro.” She says and I almost believe she’s sincere, but I know better. Shaking my head I turn back to the girl.

“You alrigh-”, I begin only to find she’s gone. I catch a glimpse of her in the window opposite of the door. She was running in the rain toward the school parking lot. Without thinking I get up grab my owN things and sprint after her. Only when the hard rain splashes on my scalp do I realize what I’ve done. Bewilderment tried to get its claws into me; unfortunately it only had 3 seconds before my attention was caught again. The revving of an engine brought my gaze to the corner on my right. Just as I started toward it none other than Rylan in her car, sped around and shot straight toward me. Jumping back I heard her tinkling laughter follow the old mustang. Although she nearly hit me I can’t fight the smile dominating my face. Her laugh was pure bliss, piled with her pretty Irish feature and Mexican voice she was quite a mystery.

“Damn.” Margaret yelps behind me, “It wasn’t that bad.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” Exasperation is all I’ve ever felt toward her antics but today I’m done. “When you trashed Mary’s house, did I say anything? When you vandalized Craig’s car, did I say something? I’m done!” By now my fists were clenched and I was pacing. “You will apologize, you will help her however, and you will be on your best behavior. Understand?’’ I growl.

“I, I just, well I.” She stammered and didn’t quite finish. Running a hand down my face I link my arm around her shoulder. “It’s just common sense, sis.” I soften it with a smile as we head back. Right before going in I look back at Rylan waiting for traffic to pass, and feel a tightening in my gut.

She’s looking at me.

She looks utterly hurt.

 Welp! How was it? I hope it was good.

Comment and here is a preview of the next chapter . . .

Chapter 2

-Rylan's P.O.V. 

Whoa! Laughing I round a corner to head out of the parking lot. A blur rushes by as I shoot carelessly through the grass to the opening leading into traffic. Yeah! My car, this freedom, never fails to help me out when I’m feeling down. One more glimpse back and my bliss is lost. What was that saying? Oh yeah, idiot, don’t look back!

Brother and sister are walking back to the school arms linked. Why it hurts I have no idea, but it was an ache deep down. Slowing a bit, I ponder an age old question. Why do I deserve such cruelty? Honestly, I have never done anything so wrong as to leave me with an aching heart non-stop.

I completely stop as I catch Lorenzo’s eye. Something unidentifiable crosses his face and then I’m pulling into traffic forgetting that odd episode. Nearly colliding with a car I right myself and continue on to my job. Not looking back once, I can’t help but go through what ifs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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