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I heard a sudden joint and rose from Aiden's Hard chest. My eyes slowly opened to see a knocked out Aiden, slightly snoring.The bang came much louder, causing my body to jolt. Dragging my body to the bed frame, I pulled the blanket Aiden, and I shared to his chest. Walking out of the dark room was hard enough but the time was 6:20 am.

Groaning, I slipped on my sweater and fuzzy slippers. I smiled back at Aiden as he cuddles with a pillow and left the room. Walking down the stairs were horrible, we need a more child-friendly home. As I reached the door, I looked through the peephole to see her.

Aiden's Mother...Great

Taking a few breath in I opened the door and smiled at her face."Well, Mrs.Schulze what a surprise. Aiden is not awake right now."

She looked me up and down and pointed to my growing stomach " So I guess you weren't lying to us."

Oh, that hurts. I ignored her comment and just asked her " So what are you doing here?"

She gained a smirk that reached the side of her botox cheeks. She looked up the stairs and then reached into her bag" I need my son to sign these, so he doesn't sue his father and I. I mean imagine that!"

I got the paperwork from her hand and skimmed it "Sue you for what?"

She laughed and pulled out a cigar " For his fall at work yesterday. Listen gold-digger, go get my son, and I'll leave soon."

I wanted to kill her for that comment, but I was more angry on the way she was talking about Aiden.

" Do you not care that he is hurt! " My voice came out scratching and strain, I don't even want to imagine my face right now. I had no energy to tell her off, but she needed to be put in her place.

His mother eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she groaned, She pulled out a pink lighter and started to lit her cigar. DOESN'T SHE KNOW THAT I AM PREGNANT!

Out of pure anger, I grabbed her cigar before she lit it and cracked it. Gasping she stalked up to me and pointed her hand in my face. Moving her hand out off my face, I gave her back her broken cigar. " Do not smoke in my home."

The evil witch looked at me and backed up; Her chuckles became loud and irritating. " Your home? This is my Son home! He owns this house, those clothes, this couch and even you!" I looked at the door as she yelled at me, walking over to the door. I reached the door and opened the door, looking back at her " Please leave my home, Andrea."

Andrea eyes were a piercing blue as she glared at me . Her hands went into a frenzy as she spoke to me in German "Wie kannst du es wagen! Du bist nichts! Ich werde dich nie als einen Teil dieser Familie ansehen! Mein Sohn verdient etwas besseres als dich! Diese Kinder sind nichts weiter als Bastarde. Sie werden nie etwas von unserem Geld bekommen."

How dare you!You are nothing. I will never see you as family. My son deserves something better than you; those children are nothing but bastards!They will never get any of our money-

Before she could say anything else, the bedroom door slammed open. Aiden walked out of the room with only a pair of black boxer and his hand on his backside. I smiled and ran up the stairs to meet him, He smirked and leaned on the rail. He groaned but opened his arm for my hug, Aiden grabbed my arm and pulled us together, he put his lips on mine, and I forget all about Andrea Schulze. I kissed him back and removed my hands from his grips, but I bring them around his neck. He kissed me rougher and bit my lower lip asking for an entrance. We pulled apart, and I rested my head on his chest. Aiden interlocked our hands and pushed a stray hair behind my ear.

"Why were you not in my bed this morning ?" Aiden rough hand reached my butt and grabbed it. I smacked his chest playfully and hugged his torso. I kissed his cheek and looked up at his 6-foot figure. "Aiden, your mother-"

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