Chapter Nine

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Alright, Ash you can do this. No, I can't. He will most likely turn his back on me. I told him some mean things. But he did mean things to me. So, he can't hate me to bad, right? I was in the right to tell him what I did. Ash, just shut up and talk to him. He goes nothing! I walk down the bleachers and start freaking out. I am so going to fall. These stupid shoes! Alright take it one step at a time. I let out a sigh of relief when I reached the bottom. I walk over to the football coach.

"Um, excuse me, sir." I said to Coach Jefferson. He turns around and pulls his sunglasses up. Coach Jefferson is a very young, hot guy. He is around 23 years old. He has the perfect color of brown eyes. They aren't like a poop brown or a chocolate brown. His hair covers his eyes ever so slightly and it's like the blackest you can get.

"Yes, Ash?" He said to me. His height really makes me scared of him, though. He so knows it too.

"Well, I was erm wondering if i could um see Luke for um a minute." I told him. Wow real smooth Ash. Now, he is going to think I am one of the girls who get choked up because of his looks. Not the problem. That only happens with Cole. Great now all I'm gonna think about is Cole. Looking at the field I see the football team doing drills. All of them were shirtless. Mhmmm they all got yummy abs. Ash, you got a boyfriend, well maybe.

"That's fine. It is the five minute break so go ahead and take him. Just have him back in five." He said to me. "Kingsley!" Coach yelled.

Luke came running over to us. I couldn't help but look at his abs. Don't judge I use to date him! I followed a drop of sweat fall from his face down his chest and disappear in his shorts. Focus, Ash! Luke's eyes got bigger when he seen me standing next to coach.

"Yes sir?" Luke asked.

"Ash, here wants to talk with you. You guys can use my office. Off you go." Coach said.

Luke leads the way through the guys locker room and to Coach's office. He shuts the door as I sit on his desk. Luke sighs and says, "So, what do you want?"

Looking into his fimilar chocolate eyes I don't see warmth that is usually there. All that is there is saddness.

"I want to become friends with you. I'm going to be honest, Luke. I miss you. I think there is always going to be a part of that always will. You were my rock for three years. I enjoyed it all. Minus some times.  Anyways, I want to be able to come to you for things again. Do you think we can put everything behind us and be friends again?" I told him. I have been waiting for his response for about ten minutes now. Yeah he so blew off practice. I guess he doesn't want to be my friend. I mean I completely understand. I was a bitch to him. Sighing I get up and walk to the door. I am about to leave when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around and meet Luke's eyes again. They have their warmth back!

"I would love to be your friend again." Luke finally said. I had to take a double take as to what he said. Then it finally sunk in. He said yes! Feeling all the joy hit me a grab him in a big hug. He still is warm just like he always has been. Then I felt wetness seeping into my shirt.

"EWWWW!!!!!" I yelled jumping back. Luke starts to laugh at my distgussted expression.

"Awe, Ash. Do you not like my sweat?" Luke said to me. He tries to hug me but I run from him. The whole time I am running from him I am laughing. I couldn't remember a time I laughed this much. He chased me through the whole school. Then I ran into a wall of muscles that I know all to well.

"C-Cole." I muttered. He leaned down and kissed me lightly.

"So, what are you running from?" He asked me. I looked up at him. Should I tell him? Would he get mad? Only one way to find out.

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