Chapter 11: Broken Up and Alone

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Chapter 11:Broken Up and Alone

Zayn's POV

I burst into tears leaving Niall outside in the rain. I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I hated hurting him but Simon was right. I wasn't good enough and I would hurt him. I punched the wall, angry that I had ever made the mistake of asking him out. I sat on the bed and ripped a piece of my shirt to cover my bleeding knuckles. The chain of my dogtag rubbed on my neck. Pulling it off I crossed to my desk and penned a short note to Niall. I left my room walked down the to Niall's room and, placing the dogtag inside the paper, shoved the note under his door. Finally I pulled my shirt and shoes off and collapsed On my bed, wishing Niall was in my arms or at least I in his.

I awoke a few hours later to a beating on my door and I was surprised when Niall wasn't wrapped around me but then I remembered. The beating gradually got louder and I got up to unlock the door. Harry walked in, followed by Louis.

"Zayn what is wrong with Niall? He's been sitting downstairs in Liam's lap crying."Jealousy coursed through me but Liam was better for Niall. Simon said it himself.

"Zayn all he can do is cry and occasionally whimper your name. What happened?" Louis said walking to my bed.

"We went to the meeting with Simon but he said I'd break his heart and I knew he was right. So when we got back home I broke up with him and I hurt him!" I screamed the last part and then I heard the squeak of the hall floor. I turned around to see Niall being lead by Liam to his room, Niall's face red and covered in splotches. He saw me, looked at Liam and ran straight to me. I folded him into my arms, his salty tears wetting my shirt.

"Zaynie don't leave me. That huts so much more than anything else you will ever do. I can't be alone. Liam's good but he isn't you. " I heard Liam scoff behind me. "Zayn I don't care. You are all I need. Please don't leave me!" He said begging.

I couldn't do this. Being away from him hurt me but eventually he would ever he would Get over me. "Niall I can't. I don't... I don't love you. I'm sorry." I said. Niall's almost dry eyes flooded with tears again and he ran out of my room. I can't believe he believed me that easily. The other lads looked at me.

They all three ran out of my room and straight down to Niall's.

Why did he believe me so easily? Did he truly think I was not in love with him? I told him everything. My phone rang with Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" and I hurried to read it.

'Zayn it's Liam. Niall has locked himself in his room and he won't come out. We can hear him crying even screaming your name. ' Just then i Heard my name in his sweet Irish accent. My throat clenched. 'We truly don't believe you don't love him. We saw how much if hurt you to tell him that but you thought you would hurt him. As his best friend I thought you should know that this hurts him more. Being away from you hurts more. He told me the other day that if he lost you he wouldn't be able to go on. Zayn he loved you and we know you love him too. Please come talk to him. To heck with Simon! We don't care about the band but we can't bear to see you and Niall so torn we love you both. Liam x'

I suddenly felt very dizzy and knew it was true. A long time ago my gran had told me that when you're in love and something happens you get sick. I fell onto my bed without responding to Liam asleep.

***Later that same night***

" Zayn!!!! Zayn help me please. I need you!" I could hear Niall screaming but I couldn't get to him. I was fighting an ocean to get to the shore and I realized I couldn't swim. My head went under but Niall's perfect face with his bright blue eyes and his braces popped into my thoughts and I fought the current. Finally I made it above water and swam to the shores. Niall was curled on his side, not breathing.

"Snowflake? Niall please wake up! Niall don't leave me. I love you! Don't leave! Niall!" I buried my head in his neck. I didn't make it. I couldn't save him. I broke him. I broke my Niall.

I woke up from the nightmare, wrapped in Niall's arms. His face was tearstained but he was smiling. I wrapped my legs around his and smiled when he sighed happily. I was content just to be safe in his arms if only for a while.

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