Graceful as the Moon Chapter 1 (picture of Annabeth)

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So I just started this story please tell me if you like it and if I should continue.

Graceful as the Moon

Annabeth's POV

I sat in the back seat of our rental car luggage smashed up all around me. I looked up at my mom and dad to study there expressions , even though we were in a new town they still looked the same. Dad sat straight and tall in his military uniform. His face was expressionless like usual. Mom was wearing long flowing clothes covered up by shawls, her hair loose and curly down her back. Her face stared out the window at the forest with a sort of mystical expression. I could tell none of us would miss Cannon Air Force Base. Mom hadn't gotten along with any of the women on the base or the locals, Dad never got attached to a base, and me I was ecstatic to leave.

I had been happy up to last month. I had been dating, Ethan, a "great" guy who "loved" me. I had also made many friends, Including Chrissa who I thought was the perfect friend I could ever have. Everything was great until I walked in on Chrissa and Ethan having sex on MY bed. Chrissa admitted that Ethan had been cheating on me for months and just to make the whole situation better she was pregnant with twins! So needless to say I was happy to leave everything behind.


Caleb's POV

The guys and I pushed are way through the hallways of the local gym. We always sat and talked in the ballet room, no one in town did ballet so it was always empty. A perfect place to hang out and talk about werewolf business. I had turned the last corner when I was hit with a sent so strong I had to brace myself against the wall. The sent was intoxicating; it smelled like flowers, rain...honey, and vanilla.

My feet started carrying me to the doorway I couldn't stop I had to be by ...her. I took deep breaths taking in her sent; I could feel the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. Just thinking about the girl that lay behind that door made me smile. I must of looked crazy because the guys were calling my name. I was about to open the door when Alec tackled me to the ground.

I felt rage build up in side me as a red haze started to cover my vision. How dare he get in the way of me and my mate! Wait! ... MATE! My anger turned to confusion as Alec helped me back up. By now all the guys were surrounding me laughing.

Greg looked at me and laughed out "Alpha, your already whipped and you haven't even met her yet" He stared to do an impression of me walking down the hallway like a zombie. At that all the guys fell on the floor laughing. I took the opportunity to look through the small window in the door.

She was stunning...perfect. Heaven must of lost an angel. She was wearing super short short shorts and a sports bra. Exposing almost all of her long legs and stomach. Making the wolf in my head growled, "Take her! Before anyone else can. Before she can say no. MAKE HER OURS!" But I couldn't : 1st my beautiful mate deserved a choice ,2nd If I tried to take her I was certain she would fight to get away from me and that would be unbearable, and 3rd I could hurt her I would never be able to live with my self after that. So, instead I watched her as she spun and leaped in the air on her Pointe shoes. Each move more graceful and more complex than the last. I must have been watching her for hours as she twirled gracefully across the floor because the guys were slumped against the walls asleep.

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