Love And Regret (a Mindless Behavior Love Story)

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Life's not always how you want it to be.  It can sometimes be cruel or exciting.

"NICOLE! What does it feel like being a superstar?"

Mine. is both cruel and exciting. There are always ups and downs and twists and loops.

"NICOLE! Take a picture for me please!*snap*"

Especially before i was famous. i was a nobody. Always getting picked on.


By everyone in my school....especially.....roc and his 'crew'.


No im not. You haven't seen how my life began.

It all happened a few years ago...when i was 13 in middle school. I lived in a raggedy house with my older sister Dianna and my younger brother Tyler. We lived in a area where gang bangers and junkies were. Crackheads knocking at your door, asking for money. Shoot outs almost every night. No peace at all.

Then came school. The worst experience of my life. I was boys. Mostly boys....cause i wasnt ...pretty then. This one boy and his crew bullied me the most. His name was chresanto. His friends were Jacob, Craig, and Rayon.

They were all jerks. But....i felt for chresanto a little....i kinda liked him but he (of course) doesnt like my ass.

I just wish i could go back in time to see how life was..........

2 YEARS AGO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hurry up Nicole! You're late for school already!" Dianna yelled though my door. I groaned and looked at the clock.

8:45?! SHIT!

I shot up and ran to the bathroom. I Splashed water on my face and brushed my teeth.

"COME ON NICOLE!" Dianna yelled. "IM COMING!"i yelled back slipping on my pants and my shirt.

I quickly put my hair in a pony tail and put my shoes on. I grabbed my back pack and ran downstairs.

"Woke up late again huh?" Dianna asked."Oh hush! Where's Tyler?" i asked. " Sleep. But lord knows im not leaving him here by himself in this house!" Dianna said running upstairs to get Tyler.

She came back down with Tyler in her arms. "Okay lets go"


We arrived at the school and i got out the car. "Be safe" Dianna called. "Yeah Yeah Yeah! What ever!" i siad waving and opening the big glass doors.

I walked inside and sighed

Another day of horror school.

"Oh look! Its the ratchet girl!" "oooo! I can tell she stank!" we go.

" Yall are so lame!" i called out to them. They walked over to me. "Oh are we?" Rayan said walking close to me. "Dont get too close! You'll catch the ratchet girl rabies" Jacob said.

Everyone in the hall started laughing.

"Oh god! *coughs* i caught it! Chresanto! Bring me a sexy girl! This girl's ugliness gave me the ratchet girl rabies" Craig choked, laughing.

I growled and walked to my locker away from this stupidness. I unlocked it and put my book bag inside and got out my books. I closed the locker and Craig's face popped right in front of me.

I jumped.

"Awww. Ratchet girl got scared" He said. I turned around and walked towards class. I felt something hit my back. "ow!" i said turning around. Craig was behind me. I heard people behind me laughing.

"Whats so funny?!" i say turning around. Craig and the boys busted out laughing.

"WHATS SO FUNNY?!" i yell. I felt something on my back. I reached my hand back there and pulled a piece of paper that was taped on my back.

It said: Im a prostitute...wanna fuck?

I turned to Craig.....My face red af. " This is not funny!" I said firmly, walking up close to Craig. I crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash and ran to class. I plopped in my seat and sighed.

" do you have a pass? Miss Nicole"Mrs. Gray asked. I hesitated. "" i said.

"You need one" Mrs. Gray said. I sighed and got up. "Yes ma'am"

I dont want to walk out there. Those dick heads are still out there. I slowly opened the door.

"Well," Mrs.Gray said. "We dont have all day Nicole"

I sighed and walked out to the hallway. Trying to avoid everyone's presence.



I walked faster ...trying to ignore the voice. I could feel someone running up to me from behind.

I turned around and yelled,"WHAT?!"

Chresanto was looked at me. "you forgot this" chresanto said throwing an open ketchup pack on me. It wasted on my shirt. "oops!" Chresanto said laughing. "why did you do that?" i said looking at the dripping ketchup sliding down my shirt. I stomped my foot and ran to the bathroom.

 I heard laughter outside and loud talking. I got a paper towel and wet it in the sink. I slowly put it on my shirt and wiped it off, leaving a huge red smear on my white shirt.

"Ahora ellos se equivocaron MI CAMISA Maldita!" I yelled! "they messed up my got damn shirt!"

I quickly zipped up my jacket over the stain and walked out the bathroom. I quickly walked down the hall to the front desk.

"How may i help you?" the woman asked. "Im here to get a pass" i said. "Sure. Name?"

" um..Nicole Gates" i said shifting my standing position. I looked on the counter and saw a paper with audition times on it. "um....what are those?' i asked. "Oh. those are auditions for fame this school is sponsoring. " the lady said.

 I took a paper and examined it. " Is there a sign up sheet?"

"Yep. Right over there" the lady said pointing to a stack of red papers. I took a paper and folded it up and put it in my pocket. " you have a talent?" the lady asked.

" um.. yeah. I like to sing and make music and dance, i also play the piano , drums, and the electric guitar." i said. "Nice" the lady said. "Well here's your pass Miss Nicole".

"Thanks" i Say, walking away to class. I quickly walked in the class door and went to the teacher. I gave her the pass. " it took you extremely long to get that pass Miss Nicole." she said tilting her head forward so she can look though her glasses. "ii ran into some stuff...sorry" i said sitting down at my seat.

" alright. last time Miss Gates" she said. " yes ma'am " i said, slumping down in my seat.......


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