Always You - chapter 2

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Copyright © 2010 - 2012 Kirsty Moseley

                                                   Chapter Two

The rest of the day seemed to fly by. I had fun with Rachel during our other lesson together, and we exchanged numbers. I asked her about the girl from gym, and she said that apparently Jennifer dated Clay a few times - by that I took it that he’d slept with her a few times - and that she wanted to be with him, but he refused to be exclusive. I wasn’t surprised by that revelation at all, that was typical Clay, no commitments.

When I got home I told my mom and stepdad, David, that Clay was coming over tonight and that we were going to order pizza. They were fine with it, as always. Clay practically lived at our house. He would stay over at our house every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. He always had done ever since we were little kids.

After showering and changing into my pink Betty Boop pyjama shorts and tank top, Clay knocked on my bedroom door. “Hey, Riley Bear,” he greeted, walking in as if he owned the place as usual, dumping his stuff on the chair. “Ice cream is in the freezer, as promised. I got cookies and cream and strawberry sorbet because I know you can’t ever make up your mind which you prefer.”

I smiled excitedly and placed my cell phone in his hand. “You order pizza,” I chirped, gripping his other hand and pulling him from my room and down to the kitchen while he dialled and placed our order.

After stuffing some popcorn in the microwave, I sat on the kitchen counter and he stood with his back to me, leaning against the counter between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder, pressing my chest into his back. He was rubbing my shins with his thumbs as we both watched the microwave go round. I sighed happily. I’d missed this so much.

“Hey, Clay. I missed you!” my mom cheered, coming into the kitchen and pulling him into a hug.

“Yeah you too, Sandra,” he replied, giving her his charming smile. He held out a hand to my stepfather. “David, how was your trip?”

David shook Clay’s hand with a warm smile. “Great, son, it was great. Shame to come back, but to be honest I don’t think I could have stood for anymore of Riley’s whining!” he joked, jabbing me in the ribs playfully. I just rolled my eyes, tipping our popcorn into a bowl. My mom just giggled like a school girl.

“Whining? What about?” Clay asked, obviously confused, looking at me quizzically.

David laughed. “You for goodness sake. ‘I miss Clay! When are we going home, I want to see Clay! Why won’t my cell phone work, I want to text Clay’,” David said, mimicking a girly voice, laughing. Clay just laughed too and put his arm around my shoulder.

“Shut up, David! I wasn’t whining. I just missed my best friend that’s all. A month is a long time you know!” I countered, throwing a bit of hot popcorn at him. He caught it and ate it, still laughing to himself. In reality, I knew I’d been a pain but, in my defence, a month was an extremely long time to go without one of Clay’s hugs.

“Well, have a lovely night. We’re now off out for dinner,” Mom said, giving us both a kiss on the cheek.

Just then the doorbell rang. “Pizza’s here!” David shouted from the hallway. I ran towards the front door, grabbing my purse as I went past. “No need, I’ve got it,” David said as he passed me the pizza and kissed my forehead.

I smiled gratefully. As stepfathers went, I knew I got a great one. He loved my mom and me like crazy. I was only seven when they got together; he raised me and treated me like I was his own. David was the only dad I had ever known. My own father was no more than a sperm donor who wasn’t interested in being in my life and had skipped town when he found out my mom was pregnant with me. My mom and David had tried for a baby but then they found out that David couldn’t have kids. He spoilt me like crazy.

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