Chapter 9- Thaw of a frozen heart

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Chapter 9 - Thaw of a frozen heart

They arrived at the castle with in an hour and a half. Kristoff handed Anna over to the maids.

“Jack,” Anna spoke, “go with Kristoff and make sure he’s safe.”

He nodded and took off toward him and the reindeer. On the way, he had seen Olaf running toward the castle. Jack caught up with Kristoff. He was outside the village on top of a hill.

“Sven, I’m not going back!”

Just then, Jack felt a disturbance in the air. He turned and noticed it was a storm.

“Elsa…” He turned his attention back to Kristoff. “Kristoff, you have to get back!”

Sven and Kristoff both looked at where the voice had come from. They saw the boy floating near them.g


“Yes. Now look!” He pointed at the kingdom.

“Anna!” He took off down the hill. Half way down, he hopped on Sven. Within a few minutes, they were there. Jack went to go find Anna and keep her safe till Kristoff arrived. He found the room and entered through the window. Olaf was there talking with Anna.

“I’ll get the window.” That's when he saw Kristoff. “Wow. I guess he didn’t love you enough to leave you.”

Anna said that she needed to get to Kristoff. Jack wrapped her up in blankets and flew her to the ground. He would have flew her all the way, but he was colder than she was and was afraid that she’d only get worse. As they landed, Jack spotted Elsa. He flew over as fast as possible.

“Elsa! Calm down!”

“I can’t!”

“Yes you can! I know you can!”

She was about to reply when someone yelled her name. Jack didn’t know the person, but Elsa did. It was Hans. Hans fed Elsa lies that she believed.

Jack couldn't stop it.

“Anna’s dead.” Hans said with fake compassion. Elsa dropped to the ground. Hans raised his sword, preparing to chop her head off when someone stopped it.

It was Anna.

Her whole body was turned to ice. Elsa stood up and threw her arms around her.

“I’m sorry…” she whispered.

As everyone served a moment of silence, Anna turned back to normal. No one noticed till Elsa gasped.

Elsa realized that with true love she could reverse the storm she had made.

“I knew you could do it.” Jack told her after they returned to the castle. She smiled at him.

All throughout the day, snow fell and flowers bloomed. Olaf even got his own snow cloud so he wouldn’t melt between the seasons.

To celebrate summer, Elsa froze the ground and everyone was invited to come and ice skate. It was the perfect combination of summer and winter.

Jack stood to the side while he watched Elsa skate. She had laughed at Anna many times when she fell and when Sven was unable to stop.

When night time approached, everyone had slowly begun leaving. Elsa found Jack sitting in the gardens frosting flowers.

“What are you doing out here alone?” She asked him, while taking a seat next to him. He shrugged.

“You and everyone else seemed to be pretty busy.”

“I’m never too busy for you.”

“Thank you for never stop believing in me.”

He started to examine the flower in hand, but stopped when he felt something press against his cheek. Elsa had kissed him.

Jack grabbed Elsa upper arm and turned her to face him. Before Elsa could ask what he was doing, he smashed his lips against hers.

Elsa, shocked, kissed back.

When Jack pulled away he stood up with his staff in hand and frowned.

“I have to go.” He started to lift off the ground when Elsa grabbed his hand.

“You’ll come back, right?” She asked, tears brimming her eyes.

“Some day.”

And in a blink of an eye, he was gone.


The next one is going to be a bit sad. I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for not updating in a while.


Two Frozen Hearts ~Jelsa~Where stories live. Discover now