Armageddon - The Insertion

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- The Insertion - The midpoint of the story - just decided to pull out this part and throw it at you guys/gals to see how people like it! Trust me there is a lot to this so don't just write it off because of the first part. This is my first time writing in public so my grammar skills are not well developed. =/

- Some Background info. - Kath'nir, Iraq is a fictional city, I will fix that later if you any of you want. On Earth, the global economy is in the middle of a melt-down, Iran set off a nuclear bomb at ground zero due to dense UN excavation activity (will be explained as the story progresses). Enjoy and comment if you have any questions.

Armageddon - The Insertion ...

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- Fallout area, underground at 59 miles off the South East perimeter of Kath'nir, Iraq (aka: ground zero); 11/27/12, the Battle for Gateway

...The moaning and screaming of men in the background...

"Why am I here?.." Sgt. Jearalm thought as he removed his cigar from his mouth. He shook his head from disappointment at the mess of a unit in front of him. "..I have lost 2 brothers and my sister Salaa for this rock!?" He grumbled to himself.

"Don't light that in here! Whats the matter with you!?" Lashed out Dr. Tathe as she went to grab the cigar away.

Sgt. Jearalm caught her hand and glared down at her. "Do not tell me what I will or will not do. Remember, it was you that brought us here, and you that failed to give us proper information!" He roared in anger. "Besides it's the least of our problems."

"Sir! Found a survivor from the Humming-Bees squad! Just got picked up from Section B of Area 2" Called a camp medic.

"He the only one?"

"Yes sir; but he is in bad shape, we had to amputate and he is suffering from some serious radiation poisoning."

"I see, make sure we seal the entrance. Also, I have some questions I need to-"

"Already taken care of, and sorry sir, but I can't let you do that."

Sgt. Jearalm began to stand up in aggressively.

"He did, however, wanted me to give you this." Said the medic as he pulled out a rattled piece of notebook paper with some words and symbols scribbled on it.

Sgt. Jearalm snatched the paper away and quickly analyzed it, then wiped his face with his hand. "Bloody...just as we thought, Hendington Base is down and can't reach the dig sight. This is too much for a hired military to handle. You should have mentioned that the 'Ranies could hit us with a blasted nuke all the way out here. Now on top of a failure, we lost 53% of our units!" He shook his head. "I think it is time you explained to me why you brought me down here, Betty."

Dr. Tathe took a deep breathe. "Three months ago, a UN supply embassy came across a rock with these symbols written on it." She said as she handed him a photo of a cracked stone with exotic writings on it. "We believe the symbols mean Origin, and that it will lead us to the missing piece of project O... If we can just go a little further we may be able to-"

Jearalm raised his hand and stopped her, trying to control his anger. "You mean you brought us out for that... 312 people dead for that!? You lied to me and put false terms on our contract! On top of that, you went ahead with this even though it was banned by the UN due to funding and past casualties."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2010 ⏰

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