Chapter 21

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*Liam's POV*

I drove to school, ignoring the speed limit, letting my anger take over my mind. I was going to kill Zayn. I couldn't believe him. I didn't know why the hell he would kiss Niall, but he hurt him. Why else would Niall have left last night, sobbing? Maybe kissing him was a part of Zayn's new plan of torture for Niall. All I knew was that Zayn was going to stop. I promised Niall I would never let him get hurt again. And I planned to keep that promise with everything I had.

I pulled into the parking lot, almost crashing into a passing car. I ignored the angry stream of profanities sent my way and continued to park. I slammed my door shut and stormed into the school. I wasn't thinking clearly, my rage was was causing me to act impulsive, but I didn't care. I scanned the courtyard until my eyes fell upon a half hidden black quiff in the back of the space. I was about to stalk over when I felt a warm, tentative hand on my shoulder.

"Liam, please listen," his accent was thick with anxiety. I turned to see those big eyes I loved so much, dark with worry. "Don't do anything to him--"

I cut him off. "Niall, Zayn hurt you. He isn't going to get away with this," I assured him.

"Liam! He didn't hurt me--" Niall pleaded.

"Look, I don't care if he told you not to say anything. You can't listen to him just because he threatened you! I'm going to take care of it Ni."

"But he didn't!" I left without hearing anything else. Zayn sat in the back corner of the courtyard, headphones in, scowling at the world. Seeing him sit there, after everything he had done to Niall, caused me to tremble with anger. He saw me coming towards him and his eyes grew wide. He shot up and grabbed his bag. I wasn't going to let him get away from me.

"ZAYN!" I bellowed. He froze and turned slowly. Zayn stood still. His face void of any emotion. The only thing I could read were his eyes. The dark gold orbs were dampened with fear. Fear and regret. He should regret everything. I thought of everything he had done. Every cruel word he spat at Niall. Every blow he aimed at the boy I loved. Everytime I let him walk all over me. I let my resentment and anger fill every part of my being. It took over my mind, blinding me from reason. It soaked my heart, blocking out everything. I let it build up, dictating my actions. I pulled back my fist and let it at him with as much force as I could muster. My fist collided with his face and he flew back, landing on the ground with a satisfying thump.

"Liam! No!" a familiar voice shouted, but I was deaf to it.

"Get up! Get up you ass!" I spat. Zayn struggled to stand, emotion finally showing on his face. I expected him to fight back, but he just stood still. I attacked him again, pulling him onto the ground. My fist flew, pounding every inch of his body I could reach.

"How dare you?!" I yelled in my fury. "How dare you hurt him?! How dare you do anything to him!" He didn't respond, he allowed his body to be pummeled by me. It boggled my mind why he wouldn't fight back, I wanted him to fight back. All I could see on his face was regret. A very exhausted regret. It made no sense to me but I didn't stop. "Why aren't you fighting back? Fight back like a man! Fight back--"

Someone pulled me back. I gritted my teeth and fought their strong grip. My arms were still flailing and I was screaming every harsh word that came to my mind. 

"Liam! Stop!" Harry yelled, squeezing my arms.

"Let me go! Let me at him!" I struggled.

Niall ran in front of Zayn, shielding him with his body. "Liam! No! He didn't hurt me!" he exclaimed, blue eyes bright and wide. 

"Yes he did! He--" I argued confused.

"Liam," Bekah's clear voice came. I looked to my left and she stood there, next to Louis, who looked just as confused as I felt. "He didn't hurt Niall. Niall isn't the one who is hurting, Zayn is."

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