That Feeling Called Love.

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*3 Days Later*

Layla POV.

As I woke up in the morning I checked my phone to see what the time was but attempted to avoid looking at the date. Of course not looking at the date didn't make me forget what it represented. I didn't want to think about it because it just made me sad and I don't want to be sad but it's not something I could ever ignore.

The 2nd of June 2014.

Its been 3 years today.

3 years since a hole had been punched through my chest.

3 years since my best friend left me.

3 years since I was betrayed by my father.

3 years of being broken...

I got up, had a shower and got dressed in shorts, a singlet and sandals. I walked out to the hotel's loungeroom where the girls were already sitting, drinking coffee. They all looked at me and smiled but it wasn't the usual 'happy smile', it was more of the 'sympathy smile'. All four of them knew what today meant but I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me or feeling like they had to walk on egg shells around me. Today was just a normal day...there was just a little more meaning behind this one.

"Hey." I smiled at them

"Hey Layla." they replied

They all continued to look at me as if they wanted to make sure I was ohk but were unsure on what to say.

"Look, I know what you're all thinking but I just want you to know that I'm fine and I just want to treat today like any other day. Please.." I told them

"Of course Layla, we just want to make sure you are actually ohk and know that we're all here if you need to talk or even just a listening ear." Emily smiled

I nodded and smiled. "Thankyou."

Ivy's phone buzzed and she told us that she had a message from Cameron and she blushed.

"What did he say?" Alex asked

"Hey beautiful, are you and the girls doing

anything imparticular today? If not, me and

the guys were wondering if you all wanted

to do something or just hang out doing

whatever. Just let me know once you know. xx"  Ivy read out to us

"Beautiful!?" Marley exclaimed

"How cute!" I yelled 

"Do you like him?" Emily asked excitedly

Ivy didn't even have to say anything before we got an answer. Her read cheeks said it all.

"You do!!" we cheered happily and hid her face in her hands

"Leave me alone." she laughed "Whether I like him or not, nothing's going to happen." she added

"Are you kidding!? He totally likes you Ivy!" Marley said

"You would have to be absolutely blind not to see it!" I stated

All four of the girls stopped talking and looked at me with raise eye brows.

"What?" I asked


"Just like you're a little blind to you and Jack?" Emily said and the others nodded

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