Tying Up Loose Ends

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Tying Up Loose Ends

After a restless night spent tossing and turning in her bed Lizzie woke up and sent around a note to Anne asking her to meet at Madame Maude a famous milliner as she wanted to give the pistols in Anne's safekeeping and hat boxes were a convenient hiding place for the them.

Also a decision was yet to be taken on whether Eleanor was to be informed of the duel or not . Since the danger of her telling Nicholas ,who would eventually tell Alexander was there and the thought of Alexander hearing about her adventures made Lizzie sick

Nausea rose unstoppable. “God's blood, Eve has something to answer for,” she muttered as she ran for the commode.

Mary tutted sympathetically and was ready with a dampened lavender-scented towel and a cup of water flavored with spearmint when her mistress finally rose from her knees.

An hour later Lizzie was sitting in the carriage waiting for it to start and drive her to the milliners shop the hatbox sitting safely beside her. She had managed to convince Mary that she need not take the groom or the footman , as she would be in the company of Anne .

A middle-aged woman dressed in an expensive gown and a fashionable bonnet gave Lizzie a cool smile. Her beady eyes were filled with avid speculation." Congratulations on your recent marriage, madam."

Thank you, Lady Benson." Lizzie made to move off down the street. I also heard that there has been a most unusual occurrence regarding a mutual acquaintance," Lady Benson continued quickly." Lord James was found dead just last week. Quite early in the morning, I believe. Have you heard?" Sorry. Don't know a thing about it. I'm afraid I don't have time to talk. You must excuse us, Lady Benson." Lizzie urged Anne toward the nearest shop door." We have an appointment with . Uh." She glanced at the small wooden sign overhead." With Madame Mortimer. Excellent moodiest, you know. I trust I shall see you this evening."

" Of course." Lady Benson's eyes narrowed." You and Alexander will definitely be the main attraction at all the best parties . Perhaps we shall be able to talk later."

"Perhaps." Lizzie whisked Anne through the door of the dressmaker's shop. She was relieved to see that there were no customers in the front of the small establishment.

"We don't have an appointment with Madame Mortimer," Anne whispered.

" I am aware of that." Lizzie whirled to peer out the window. But I did not want to get into an extended discussion with Lady Benson. She is a notorious gossip. Just the sort Alexander frets about."

"Yes, I know," Anne said in a very low voice." Eleanor has mentioned her. Lizzie, where is the proprietor of this shop? There is no one here. Madame Maud is no doubt in the fitting room with a client."

Lizzie breathed a sigh of relief as Lady Benson walked off down the street." Good. She's gone. We can go on to the glove maker’s. Let’s be on our way. I want to stop at the bookshop before we go home."

She wondered if this edgy sensation was an indication that her nerves were starting to fail. She had to get control of herself. Otherwise how will she survive the duel?"

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