Episode 13: Two Thieves Walk Into A Bar... 'Nuff Said.

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Trust Fund Babies

Copyright © 2011TvSeriesInABook

All rights reserved

Written by : Sierra (SheMakesTimeDisapear) and Audrey (NinjaComesNaturally)

Cover and Banner by : Susan (Spicychic18) and Audrey (TheAudOne)

Edited by : Alexandra (Sephira)

COPYRIGHT This story, Trust Fund Babies including all chapters,prologues, epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act of 1988. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.


Oh shit.

     Those were the first thoughts in Troy’s mind as he waded uneasily through the smoke-hazed bar. If it weren’t for the aroma of pot, alcohol, and sweat clogging his nose like a damn shower drain, he would’ve actually taken a moment to marvel at the hipster simplicity of the place. But that, of course, wasn’t the reason he wanted to tuck tail and run like a puss. Unbeknownst to him, Panterra ‘accidentally’ forgot to mention that:

     A) Everyone seemed to be armed, except for them and

     B) 99.9% of the bar were dudes, horny dudes, excluding the strippers.

     Troy felt as if he were a wanted man as Panterra weaved in front of him, her slender body making movements like a cat on the prowl for its next dinner. The simple black dress she wore drove down the tan road of her torso, allowing a plentiful view for all the males in the room. It left a teasing - and slightly awkward for Troy - amount of space before the fabric drooped and halted just above her navel.

     To pretend that seeing her in that kind of attire was alright with him was stupid. It made Troy uncomfortable to watch her moving about so casually in such small pieces of clothing. Granted, he chose it, but if he knew it would look like this on her... well, then he would’ve had her locked up in a closet, too. Shock waned through Troy at the sound of his own teeth grinding as he watched a specimen of manhood ogle Panterra. It made him sick to watch, and sicker to think that that’s how he used to look at women. For some unknown reason, Troy had the urge to protect the blond psychopath like he does for Tracey, and exactly like his blood-sister, he knew that Panterra would not appreciate the gesture.

     But still, Troy couldn’t help the chuckle of irony that ran through him when they first entered. Situated in the midst of the Nevada nightlife, Vaultage - the pun intended - was underground, undetected, and in a bank vault. The simple irony was self explanatory.

     “Remind me again why you think this is the place he’ll be,” Troy whispered against the back of Panterra’s head. The tall woman barely even turned her head. To anyone else they’d look like two lovers looking for a good time in town. To anyone who was really looking, they’d see a man sweating through his black t-shirt and cowboy boots and a woman graceful and long, green eyes panning to find something specific.

     “This is the gang’s meeting place. There’s an empty vault in the back that we’d use to plan our next hits.” Troy raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

     “You guys had a club headquarters?” he hissed, glancing menacingly at another guy who happened to step too close. The blond shrugged, the red strobe lights making her look exotic.

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