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randomly_me loves to day dream because it's the only place she can do anything and everything she wants that she can't do in real life.

randomly_me began writing when her friends pointed out that she talked too much and it would be better if she just put all her stories down in writing. 

Her inspiration comes from past experiences in her life. Which just adds more realness to her writing and gives it that depth that so many writers are missing. Because she has experience, she will be able to portray her story in greater lengths, which will definitely make it a must read. 

The title of her story is: 

An Unforgettable Dream

Genre: Romance/Humor

Rated: PG

Summary: Rose and Taylor travel half way across the world to leave their old life and start a new one in London. What happens when the one girl finds out two boys like her and one happens to be the prince. What will she have to go through to find the right boy and what happens when one of the boys tries to separate her and her best friend away from each other?? Will one of these girls be able to live their new life with all this drama or will their friendship get ruined along the way??

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