Future problems? (35)

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Chapter 35


 “So…what’s this all about?” drawled Jason. Nate looked back, away from the window at his cousin.

“Nothing,” he said, giving a small shrug. He pulled out a cigarette from its box and fiddled with it.

Jason leaned forward on the bed, his legs apart, elbows on knees, fingers linked. He even cocked his head to the left. “Yeah right,” he snorted.

“What makes you think that there’s anything?” Nate asked.

“The fact that a civilian is here downstairs speaks for itself,” Jay said a hard glint forming in his eyes.

He ran a hand through his hair and tugged the ends. “She came with the flow you know…” Nate tried not to look guilty.

“You do realize by doing that, you ruined her life?”

Nate shifted his weight from his left leg to the right, feeling extremely guilty now. Shit.

“Well not ruined—”

“You rid her of a future free from crime, war and mainly us. She can never go back to her previous home again. She won’t be allowed to go anywhere without someone spying on her. She won’t be allowed to speak a word about this business and she won’t ever be free from the ACI. No privacy. No say for herself in her life. Do you want that for her?”

Nate blinked. God no. He dragged in his smoke and realized that it wasn’t calming him down. He bit the end hard.

“No. I don't want that.”

Jason sat back on his bed and said, “Well it’s too late.”


“It’s too late,” he said, looking at Nate hard in the eye. “She can't get out now. She’s in too deep already.”

He stiffened. “What makes you say that,” he stated.

Jason gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Boss knows about her. And he is planning to use her.”


“Boss won't leave her alone. He’ll make her do something. Get her trained. She’s still young. There are a lot of possibilities.” Jason moved his arm around casually as if it wasn’t a big thing.

Nate stared at his cousin flabbergasted. What the—

“I won't allow it,” he said firmly. “I will not let that happen.”

Jay just stared.

“It’s my fault she’s here. She doesn’t have to suffer for that. I’ll take care of the consequences once this is over.”


Nate glared at him. “Yes. Really.”

He hadn’t thought about his boss getting interested in Alex far enough to recruit her. To become an agent. To hunt criminals. And risk death by a gunshot. No, he decided vehemently. He wasn’t gonna let that happen. Ever.

Jason chuckled suddenly. He whipped his head around to stare at the guy.


The guy, seeing his pissed face, started to laugh harder. Nate patiently waited for the idiot’s happy moment to pass and raised a questioning eyebrow.

“I never thought the day would come when you’d care too much for a girl to forget that your cigarette isn’t lit.”

Nate glanced at the cigarette in his mouth. “Damn. You are right.”

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