Against All Odds. (Durarara!!) {By Rainbow_Bacon & Claire_201}

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o Hanako o

“Oh dear, it seems they’re in trouble once again.” I stared at my phone before I slipped it into my black kimono and started to walk through the apartment. Picking up my folder I tucked it under my arm and opened the front door.

Smiling I bowed at the sight of my little sister. “It is good see you again, little sister.” Silently she walks past me and stands in the middle of the apartment while I closed the door. “Did you have a good flight?”

“It was tolerable.” Miku-chan says, looking around the place while I walked up to her.

“I’m afraid I will not be able to give you a proper welcoming, for I’ve been called to the Yellow Scarves that you requested for me to join.”


Bowing I turned and walked out of my apartment before I found myself walking in the limousine. Sitting back as my personal driver drove me towards the Yellow Scarves hide out was located, until he stepped on the breaks. Raising an eyebrow I picked up the phone and pressed the button. “What is it, why have we stopped?”

“There seems to be a fight in the middle of the street, Miss.”

“Hmm, I’ll deal with it.” Before he could say anything I opened the door and stepped out. Closing the door behind me I stared at the group of men fighting, calmly walking forwards I stopped in front of them with crossed arms.

“Who’s the bird?!” A guy yells, staring at me in confusion, and then he had a metal box smack into him, causing him to fly out of view.

Turning I stared at the blonde haired man with my arms crossed in front of my chest. “Who are you?” He demands, pointing at me with an angry look etched on his face.

“The question is, who are you? And why are you fighting in the middle of the street like the strays?”

He glares at me while I eyed the blood dribbling down the side of his face. Walking forwards I stared at the man, examining his wound before I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my height. His first clenched while I poked his cheek. “You may want to get that checked out.”

“Get your hands off of me-”

Before he could push away I kicked his leg out  before I pressed my knee against his chest while I stared at the wound on his stunned head. I pulled out a small first aid kit from my sleeve and cleaned it, before I wrapped a large bandage around his head. “There, now I won’t feel bad for allowing those men to get away.”

“I don’t need your help.” He mumbles.

“Fine.” I stand up straight before I turned and walked back to my car. Slipping into the back the car started up again and drove towards the Yellow Scarves hideout.

I really do hate fighting, it makes me question why I even agreed to join the Yellow Scarves, even if my sister requested I do so.

✿ Miku ✿

I step off the train with my scarf around my neck breathing in the cold air and looking around the train station.

“So this is Ikebukuro….” I breathe out walking up the stairs up to the streets and sidewalks.

“How the hell am I supposed to find her apartment?” I mutter to myself  looking at the slip of paper that had her apartment numbers written down.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see three kids in a high school uniform,two boys and one girl.

The boy with the blonde hair and the one who tapped me smiled and waved.

“Im sorry but I heard you're looking for a place? I see you're new to Ikebukuro so seeing a beautiful lady like yourself alone here makes me sad so I have to help you right!?” He smiles at me as the two behind him facepalm.

“Uhhh can you help me find this place?” I show him the address and does a double take.

“WOAH YOU MUST BE LOADED LADY! BEING ABLE TO LIVE THERE?!” he grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth.

“C-can you just show me where it is? Please!” I panic from the sudden touch.

“Yeah sure sorry about that here we pass it on our way home actually so it won't bother us. Right guys?” He ask looking back to his friend. The girl quickly bows and the boy just nods in approval.

“Uh thank you my name is Mizu Suoh  thank you again….” I bow and start walking with them.

“No problem! My name is Masaomi Kida. And my two friend here are Anri and Mika-” He introduces up but in interrupted by a vending machine smashing into the wall in front of us and literally inches away from my face.I stare at it for a second then drop my bags.

“WHAT THE SUDDY HELL!” I scream freaking out and looking at the high schoolers with the same expression from before.


“IZAYA!!!!” I see a tall blonde man in a bartenders outfit pick up the vending machine and throw it in the air again with me gape at him in shock.

I look at the machine and see my bag that has my art supplies in it attached to it and I quickly run to get it but once I get there and grab it I fall down and just kinda lay there in shock face down in the rubble of the road.

“What the hell is with this city.” I groan, this is going to be weirder than I thought it would be.

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